Eh... Life goes on. Things are back to the way they were before, kind of.
My dad bought me a laptop on Father's Day. I bought him Aqua Teen Hunger Force, season 2. I think it was a good gift. We watched a few episodes.
Mom, since I didn't get her a gift on Mother's Day, got the belated crappy consolation prize of Raspberry Altoids (which I'd gotten over spring break but kept forgetting to give to her) and my John Mayer cd.
Rob's brother is coming to town this weekend so Daniel is lending him the use of his bed. Now his computer is communing with my own back at the apartment. We're going to reformat my computer, which hopefully will fix some of the crumminess. I'm also planning on roleplaying on Saturday (with Daniel, Jesse, and hopefully Stephen, who is Sophia's boyfriend). And I'm also planning on going down to Aurora Saturday night or Sunday or something and dragging Daniel with me.
I hope I actually get the chance to hang out with the old Smoky crowd sometime... I miss them. I've been invited to two different things now that I wasn't able to go to. Last weekend was just bad, though, since Saturday was... err... Genny's barbeque.
There's only one week left of Japanese. Then, a new semester... but still. It's intimidating. I have a week left to make up the tests I horribly failed (read: got a B- on) and memorize the thousands of frickin' kanji (read: 50 kanji) that I haven't learned yet. It's fun, though. I did much much better on the oral this time around. My performance on the chapter one oral was T3H SUCK.
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