Monday, May 31, 2004

the proud new owner of "alone, together"

... also known as track six off the strokes' album. I don't know why I bought it exactly. When I first heard The Strokes I wasn't very impressed. Their songs just didn't latch hold of me like most of the music I listened to and liked. I blame it on Eric. Listening to that stupid cd on Saturday nights (the few we had) and while driving to Famous Pizza on green days just gives those songs new meaning. One of the songs, track 6, struck a chord with me after hearing it over and over again. So I wrote down in my little planner the words "The Strokes", "track 6". And so when we wandered into best buy today I thought of it, and decided to buy the album. And now I have it, and plan to listen to it in the dark and think about summer.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

busy busy busy

I've had so much stuff going on lately.

And, apparently, there are even more grad parties to attend, tho I appear to have lost some of the invitations. (eheheh..)

So what's happened so far this month:

May 1 - Saturday study session for AP English Lit. Exciting stuff!

May 4 - Beginning of IB tests. English HL in the morning, then a lunch break (lurvly), then Physics HL until 4 in the afternoon. Bah.

May 5 - Finishing Physics in the morning, then skiving (is that the right word?) off the rest of school.

May 6 - AP English Lit in the morning (my only AP test, cuz I flaked out on comp sci) and then Math HL in the afternoon, which sucked arse by the way.

May 7 - Math HL in the morning, which actually wasn't too bad. Cavnar needed to teach the calc 3 kids about complex numbers, though, apparently, because I so totally didn't understand the notation.

May 8 - Second english study session, this time for IB. Many more people. I sat next to anna, and was reminded how amusing she is.

May 9 - I buy prom stuff with my mom.

May 10 - English, again. Paper 2. Didn't totally suck, but then again I didn't finish. I am reminded how much I love Cal from East of Eden, despite not really thinking much of the book in general.

May 11 - First day of relaxation since testing begins. I attend my art classes. The bio kids are tested, the poor dears.

May 12 - History, papers 1 and 2, where the entire IB graduating class is smushed into the lecture center. Or should I say, centre. Not too bad, considering that I know nothing about history.

May 13 - History, paper 3, not nearly as bad as I thought it would be, I enjoyed the essay where I got to babble on about Khrushchev, it was fun.

May 14 - Senior Celebration Day. I popped into my comp sci class, where I found Cephers, Danny, and JK (nerds!) and was gawked at by the juniors (namely Vicki and Jason - Ann was ditching). Went outside. Got a really bad sunburn.

May 15 - One of the few times in life where I am actually happy about bleeding.

May 17 - Comp Sci test with my cohorts Ann and Nick. Nick signed my yearbook and threw in a lot of computer terms, such as "batch processing". Felt I did terribly, but not in an excruciating way.

May 18 - Finished Comp Sci test, was abandoned by Nick and Ann 5 minutes before we were officially let out (hey that's cheating!), didn't finish the questions, and b.s.ed my way through the case study questions... guess I should have read it through BEFORE the test, eh?

May 19 - gloat about not having any more IB tests. Take the photo final. Convince Suresh to get me a chipotle. Go to all school awards. Am juxtaposed with Joel and the other Jessa on the slide show. But my physics gang sign got cut off, that made me mad.

May 20 - Hang out with Fox. Do a really easy programming assignment for Champion, which amazingly enough earns me an A for semester. Woot. Bess... is invigilating Diana in her Spanish HL test (dios mío) but takes a break long enough to give me an essay to write on. I chat with Sarah, Chaffin, Libby, Danika (who is nice enough to get me food... yay!). Skip Gore's class, he's not even there anyways and it's not like we went to the class much before the IB test. And in lieu of attending the senior exit assembly ("lame!") I go with C, L, and D to Baskin R #31. OH, yeah. And then we wandered around in Safeway looking for bizarre items. Sweet. Hoorah for the lactose intolerant cat's milk.

May 21 - Discover I have a D in photo, and am displeased. Bring it up to a C and wheedle my way out of an assignment. Avoid Cavnar until the end of the period, at which point I turn in my crappy half done homework, only to later change my mind and retrieve it so I can do more of it. Retrieve my Chipotle from Suresh, who has stored it in box-shaped tupperware, so that it now looks like an aluminum brick. Sweetness. Finish glazing my shoe and am DONE with pottery. Oh yeah, who's cool.

May 22 - Prom, d'oh, the madness.

May 23 - Afterprom and my parent's improv party.

May 24 - Lovely physics breakfast, IB assembly, attempts to catch up in photo, picking up grandparents, going out to dinner.

May 25 - My grandparents decide they want to go to Boulder. So we go to Boulder. It's exciting. I walk a lot. I forget to wear sunscreen, so now my arms are all pink again, and peeling. I got two shirts and a hoodie. They were way overpriced, but oh well. They're still cool. And the shirts were half off. ^.^ My parents leave for improv practice at 6 and I get picked up by Greg at 6:45. (That's right, cause I need a ride to the AP thing and my parents don't love me.) Talk to Sarah some. Watch the ceremony, quite exciting. Go up and get my medallion, also quite exciting. Eat cookies. Hang out with Greg and watch MIB II. Hooray. Lame ending though, in my oh-so-humble opinion. Start to watch End of Days. Go home. Talk to parents, who like the medallion.

May 26 - Wake up early, take a shower, whatever, mooch a ride off Greg (again!) to the breakfast thing before the graduation rehearsal. Dislike the breakfast. Pancakes aren't really my thing. Orange juice even less so. Sausage I refuse to eat. Oh, well, whatever, dad let me eat some of his wheatena before I left. Graduation rehearsal was ok. I'm sitting between Alex (the boy) and Claire. We AP/IB/Honors kids are separated from the rest. So elitist. Ha. Yeah, so that was fun, and then we got our cap and gown, which is, as Nikki suspected, green. Rather... interesting combination with my IB stole and AP medallion and white tassel thingy.

May 27 - Plan to work on math (d'oh! I'm such a terrible child, it's still not done), photo (taking pictures and filling out the extra credit packet), and then head off to Sarah's graduation party. Yay, fun. ^.^

So, then. And let's see what I have planned in the near future. On friday we have the lovely graduation at 7:15 in the fricking MORNING! (no, I'm not bitter, not at all.) But anyways, after that's over I'ma hang out with nikki some. Around 5ish is Ed's graduation party (hoorah). Then on Saturday, my grandparents leave around 8 am. At 1 is Nikki's graduation ceremony, and at 3 (though I prolly won't be there on time, meh) is Shivani's graduation party, which should be quite fun. Then on Sunday, apparently, is Danny's graduation party, though I immediately lost the invitation. Better ask him for another one. Then monday and wednesday are free as far as I know (yeesh). Wednesday is the IB barbeque, starting at noon. I'll get the rest of my yearbook signatures there, hopefully. And then there'll be Sravanthi's party, possibly on the saturday after that. Man! I don't even have any time to surf the web anymore!

Oh, but the other day fox (y'know, the tv network) ran the futurama episode with Al Gore in it. That made my day. "Here, take my plus one mace!" "It's the pasadena star trek convention all over again."

Monday, May 24, 2004

prom, and all hail the relatives

Wow. It's been quite the busy weekend. So, Saturday. The morning consisted of finishing one of the Samurai X dvds that Sam lent me, talking to Nikki, and basically relaxing. Mum came home and did hair and makeup, pictures were taken, boy came over, more pictures, went over to his house, more pictures, yada yada yada. Then dinner, at Morton's, where I ate cowie. *gasp* It was oh so good. That cow did not die in vain. But, yeah, then after dinner we headed off to the dance, where I proceeded to fall down on the dance floor, and the authorities suspected me of being drunk. No, I haven't had anything to drink. No, officer, I really am THAT clutzy. Ah, joy. We then wasted precious minutes walking about and telling people of our escapades and the joy of the breathalizer. (it's cool! you should try it sometime.) Hung out with Joel, that was fun. Didn't dance much after that.

So, then, around 11:15 or whatever we headed out and went home to change for afterprom. I waited until approximately 1:40 am for him to arrive at his house, change, tell his parents about the breathalizer and other excitement, and drive back. Meanwhile I enjoyed a stimulating conversation with the parental units. So, then, afterprom, which was so much fun. We did laser tag (dude! it was so awesome, it was my first time playing laser tag) and the bungee thingy and sumo wrestling and I tried to fight Cephers in the boxing ring thing (yes, I failed, I'm at peace with it), I did some boxing with that arcade game thingy, we played a couple games of skeeball, and oh the gambling. Man, he sucks at gambling, he kept losing all his money. Like, he was complaining about how he lost all his money gambling so this guy walks up and tosses us two packets of money (y'know, $2000 a piece) and so he proceeds to lose THAT money, too. I liked the roulette, I always did the same thing, it was fun, I made money.

Then (oh yes, the fun doesn't stop there children!) we decided to head out for breakfast. And, hooray, we happened to be leaving at the same time as Danny, Tara, JK, Christine, Ivey, Shivani, and the like, so we all ate at Village Inn (after discovering that IHOP doesn't open till six... boo!). So I had a chicken ranch sandwich (but of course) and thar ya go. That was prom. Oh, and, Danny should NEVER EVER stay up that late again. Seriously, he was frickin' insane. And hooray for "pellets" or whatever they ended up deciding to call the dang thing.

So, yeah, I guess I came home around 7 and fell asleep shortly thereafter, only to be woken at noon by the party my parents were hosting... "De Do Run Run" is a loud game, man. Although apparently I slept through the piano playing and screaming. Hmmm. Ah well. There were cannolis, and yellow cake, and bagels 'n' cream cheese, and daddy's special foamy coffee, so all was good. And all the people gawked at my prom pictures, as dad was able to hook up the camera to the big tv. Ok then. But whatever, it was pretty fun, three of them (Christie, Amy, and Keith) stayed till four, talking about random things and thinking up skit ideas. And then afterwards... we got to clean! Because the grandparents were to be flown in the next day.

So, monday morning I got up at five, cleaned the kitchen a bit, and dad drove me to Le Peep. I was the first one there, followed shortly thereafter by Dan and Baylee. So, yeah, the physics breakfast was quite fun, I had the "bagel sandwich". I've been eating a lot of bagels recently, I notice. I keep rereading my yearbook, too. But nevermind.

So then afterwards, IB assembly, which was quite fun. Hooray for Shivani and Danny and Joel! Erm, did anyone else get an award? Who knows. I actually rather liked the little blurb Courtney wrote for me. It involved the suspension. I had kind of forgotten that there was anything interesting about me that people could talk about. I mean, besides injokes. So that worked. And it wasn't mean either! Some of them were really quite mean. And Sean's and Srav's kinda sucked, because Brandon and Abraham were making fun of last year's lame descriptions... and in the process were lame.

So then was outside picture taking and such, and I feel kinda bad for what I did to Tiff... I shouldn't have teased her about it. She's obviously not one of the chosen few who find him attractive. Either that or she's just embarrassed about it. Either way was kind of mean. Ah, well. Mostly I was just trying to find out if they WERE a couple. Clearly not. ^.^

Yep, and then the rest of the day was spent obtaining the remaining two signatures (Gore and Cavnar) and working on photo (which STILL isn't done, by the way). Oh boy. And tomorrow I get to work on math homework, how fun.

So at three mom picked me up and we went to Chipotle to feed up before Grandma and Grandpa arrived. And mom locked herself out of the car. Yee-ap. That's right, folks. So we called my dad and munched morosely on our joint burrito. Thankfully, he was just about to leave (he was planning on coming home at 3:30! yeesh) so he easily left work and rescued us from our dire straits. We then (mom and I) walked over to cold stone while my dad ordered his chipotle (for he, too, did not want to be starving by the time G&G arrived). And cold stone is too good. I had sweet cream ice cream (aka PLAIN) with heath bar, oreo, and hot fudge mixed in. Yum. It was prolly about five bucks, but it was good. Besides, everything's expensive nowadays. But whatever, nevermind.

So then we went back home and I called nikki and then helped out with cleaning, etcetera. And then at like 5:45, when we were supposed to leave, mum discovered that she had not yet taken a shower. Oh boy. On top of that, we call the airline and discover that their plane got in twenty minutes early. What the frick?! So, yeah, that kinda sucked.

But, anyway, we got the grandparents, we went out to dinner at Carrabba's, and then we came back home and watched part of a Dr. Phil. So, it's been an eventful few days, to say the least.

And now... to bed.

Saturday, May 22, 2004


sweetness: ma l33t profizzle

Ok, that's enough fake leetspeak/blackspeak for one day.

So, I should update more often eh? I'll keep that in mind. Though it's not really his fault; I blame it on IB. Yup.

I have a C in photo! What the crap? I thought my art classes were supposed to HELP my suffering GPA. Thank goodness for comp sci, I always seem to have an F or a C but then apparently it goes up to an A after turning in one assignment. Everybody wins!

Which reminds me, Gibson is evil. Oh, nevermind, don't ask. Just thinking about James' B, the poor thing.

So, yeah, apparently I need to go back next week to finish up. Let's see, so if I do one photo assignment I can get up to a B-, and maybe if I do the other one as well and attempt the extra credit packet thing over the weekend... A? Pretty pretty please?

And if I do ALL of my math homework over the weekend, then I can get a B in math for semester. Hoorah! And I'm even already started. Shouldn't take more than 10-20 hours, right? Right?

But, jeez, my week next week is gonna be busy. Heck, my weekend kinda is too. Saturday: prom. Sunday: all the math homework I can stand. Monday: physics breakfast followed by IB assembly followed by checking out followed by working on photo followed by cleaning the house followed by driving to the airport to pick up grandparents. Tuesday: hopefully nothing during the day but there's that AP thingy at 7 PM. Wednesday: graduation rehearsal. Thursday: Sarah's crayfish bake, yo! Friday: graduation! *dum dum DUM* Saturday: Nikki's graduation (if she has sufficient ticketry), Shivani's grad party, and Nikki's barbecue thingy. Sunday: Nothing, thank the lord, but maybe I can hang out with boy? Monday: Prolly should go to school to receive my shoe from Teplitzky. Tuesday: No clue. I don't think that far ahead. AND Wednesday: IB bar-b-q.

Bah! Too many things! At least I won't be bored. *grin*

And best yet, my forehead is no longer peeling and scabby. ^.^

Oh, by the way, the amnesty thingy was AWESOME. Hooray!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004


has it really been this long since I last updated? Oh dear.

Well I'm finally done with IB tests, thank the lord. All the spanish and german and latin kids still have tests to take. Gracias a dios que tomé el examen en el año ... erm... previoso? Oh god. I've lost it already.

"Último año"? "Año último"?

So I like my beaker. It's awesome. However, I find it kind of funny that I got the "high" honor but Ivey got "higher" and Christine got "highest". I'm cool, they have way better GPAs than me, they deserve the higher/est. ^.^

What is up with prom? Oh, well, I'm happy as long as I fit in my dress. I was looking at it the other day and found to my horror that it's two sizes below what I normally wear. Eh. *shrugs*

I need to check people's blogs! But, now, time for bed. Wouldn't have even got on if I hadn't remembered that I'd left my moisturizer downstairs. Eh, don't ask. Bah, my forehead looks somewhat better, hopefully by Saturday it'll be fully recovered.

Josh better bring me Chipotle... or I'm telling!