Monday, May 09, 2005

Yes, I'm a terrible child.

Film School: The Interactive Adventure


Did I mention that my glasses are broken and are now being held together with tape?

Did I mention that I'm done with finals?

I got an A in Japanese.

I got a B- in math.

I don't know my other two grades yet. I probably won't for a while.

I think I'll get a triple major.

I don't know if I want to study abroad in Japan for a whole year. I think I might miss people too much.

It's nice for school to be over, and it's only the beginning of May.

It's nice to have a partial summer and know that I'm going to have structure again.

I'm subletting a one-bedroom apartment from Jaime. Jaime = sorority girl / Chinese and Spanish major / astronomy friend and study buddy of Cam.

I bought dishes and pots and pans and foodstuffs for the apartment. Daniel helped me get a King Soopers card.

I used it today to buy ice cream and cookies and ritz crackers for Mom.

Dad made pancakes for breakfast.

He made mashed potatoes for dinner. Mom made stuffing. And heated up leftover turkey and gravy and not-as-good-stuffing (which nobody ate) and opened up a couple of jars of cranberry.

I missed two calls from Nikki. I'll call her back tomorrow.

I like having my own place to live.

I finally brought my car up and have been using it to drive around Daniel and his sister and his roommate and Luke and myself.

I went to Noodles & Company with Daniel and Luke. I was highly entertained. It disproved my theory that all three of us can't talk with each other at once.

I bought dried apricots for my dad and he discovered that he didn't like them. I'll give the rest to Daniel, who does.

My skin has been less pimply lately.

I've lost one of each pair of dangly earrings so now I just wear my one remaining yellow-green with my one remaining blue-green and pretend they're a pair.

Right now I'm wearing turtle earrings.

Final Fantasy is fun, but I shouldn't have spent all weekend playing it with my mom, and I shouldn't have stayed up so late playing.

Mom's returned the PSP she gave me for my birthday, since there are dead pixels.

I don't think I ever made a post about my birthday...

I feel sheepish. Baaa!

Sleepy sheepy.

Time for bed.