Thursday, September 30, 2004


Today was uneventful. It's really quite boring here with no one around. I did get a haircut though.

I was wrong, however, about having the room all to myself... Amanda's staying too. Not that it makes a difference; she's hardly around.

Evil courses through my blood. Lies and deceit motivate my evil deeds. Crushing the weaklings and idiots that do nothing but interfere in my doings.

Now isn't that nifty?

*evil cackle*

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

you are the afterglow

current song: franz ferdinand - the dark of the matinèe

I love the intro to this song.

So tomorrow I need to get up early in order to mathematica all the answers to my calc lab. And then once I've calculated and labeled and formatted my heart out, I'll print it, and send it, and be done with the damn thing. And then I'll read my comp sci homework between math and japanese, or between japanese and comp sci. And I'll also write my blurb on my time log and find a place to print it.

However, not all is wrong in the world. Game dev club was surprisingly fun this time. Wanna know the secret? I paid attention to the flash presentation, which I understood, and when the OpenGL tutorial began, and I didn't get it, I instead talked to the graduate student sitting next to me about pointers and the manipulation of data types and the differences between gl and directx. Ah, joy. I like Daniel. He's cool! In a nerdy way. After all, he is a math graduate. Who is now pursuing a degree in computer science.

Yesterday (two days ago?) was Eric's birthday. It's odd. I remember what I got him last year as a birthday present. I miss him, and my other friends, and high school... but only a little. I've been really surprised at how... comfortable I am here. I like it here. It feels like I belong.

And even though most people are leaving for fall break, Cam said he'd be back on Thursday. And I'll have the dorm room all to myself. Hooray.

Monday, September 27, 2004

oh, and...

The guy I didn't know the name of in friday's post?

His name's Logan. Not that it really matters... but whatever. It's nice to know.


I had one earlier today after doing two hours of computer science homework. And now it's back. Maybe I need to stop staring at my computer screen.

I'm watching MTV right now. This is a nice song. Ah, I see, Simple Plan.

I have so much shit to do. It's going to bite me in the ass. Oh well. At least I'm not going to California like Cam and Jude. Ch. Stupid x-prize.

I need some shirts from either or or

This Jimmy Eat World video is really bizarre, but I like the song. Which is good, I'm finally buying a jew (haha) album.

It takes my pain away...

Friday, September 24, 2004

the ladder crashes and burns

I was talking to Sarah today about my "ladder" and came to realize that there are really only two boys I'm interested in... at all. There are bunches that I think are cute, but that's almost always true.

But, really. There's him (F), and him (B). I think he's (T) cute, but he has a girlfriend so I don't care. I think he's (A) somewhat cute, but also girlfriend. He's ok (K), but eh. He's (M) cute, but not really the type I'm attracted to. (Alright, alright, with that one exception. The very big exception.) He's (D) cute, but I hardly know him. There's him (G) and him (C) but they're both older than me; one's a junior and the really cute one is a grad student. He's (S) hot but has a girlfriend and is just spastic. He's (C) ok but way, way too old. He's (?) pretty cute, but I don't even know his name (yet). He's (C) already gone out with and broken the heart of someone on my floor. He's (L) cute but rather mean. He's (P) nice but not as attractive. And a lot of boys I just don't know or talk to that much.

So, yes. Even the two I'm most interested in are problematic, as one has a semi-girlfriend and some suspected emotional problems and the other has a crush (who lives in CheyHo) and a roommate who's practically his Tyler Durden who I've sworn platonism to.

That made no sense.

Too bad.

But... the "Sarah's a redhead" thing?

Um... yeah. That was rather blatant in my opinion.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

a rainy day

current song: the strokes - is this it

Today, so far, has been a collection of small disasters and miracles.

I woke up and took a shower and miraculously was NOT late to class! Hooray! I did not, however, get any breakfast.

I strolled off to comp sci recitation, met a nice guy named Steve, who does not know very much about programming, so I helped him a bunch. Since the assignments now require you to work in a group. The assignment was really fun, too. We're working with graphics and since I figured out how to get a random number yesterday with Cam, I was making squares of various colors and sizes randomly placed about the screen. Quite entertaining.

However, I spent an extra hour in comp sci precisely because it was so fun. And looked up at the clock and saw that I was already 5 minutes late to Japanese.

Additionally, at some point during comp sci I realized that I had left my purse (including my keys) in the dorm. And it was raining outside.

So I waited, in the rain, for someone with keys to come up to the dorm so I could get in, get my stuff, and take 10 minutes to walk to Hellems.

Ah, well. It was a remarkably short Japanese class.

But during Japanese I was split into a group with Brian and ... dang. Don't know how to spell his last name. David's his first name, anyway, but I know him as hool-san (or however it's spelled). Since we go by last names in japanese class. Anyway, I was talking to him as class ended, and I ended up walking with him to his little apartment in family housing. Apparently he's living there with his mom and little brother. Sugoi desu ne. And two little kitties. I mean, two little fishies. Since kitties aren't allowed. Uh... yeah. But, he's really nice. I'm glad I got to talk to him. He's a freshie too! One of the few freshmen in that class, it seems.

So that was really fun. But I realized that I had, again, forgotten my purse, this time in Japanese class. I left at 2:45, planning on walking back to Hellems and then to my calc 3 lab. However, since family housing is near the edge of campus in a section I'd never been to before, I got lost. It took me 30 minutes to find Hellems again. And then, since I hadn't eaten anything and my feet were dying (I made the terrible mistake of wearing sandals on a rainy day), I walked into the UMC, and saw the domino's, and thought... Mmmmmm. So I got domino's and ate and walked back to my dorm and by the time I got there it was 4:45, so I wouldn't have made it to class anyway. Since the class is technically over by 4:50 and most people end up leaving 20 minutes early anyway. Ah, well. I still can miss the class one more time without failing.

And then I got the email telling me that I need to attend a scholarship dinner on friday, and that jeans are not allowed. So now I have to go buy a skirt. Heh.

ke ke ke devin used to say.

That letter made my day. MADE MY DAY! Woot.

And to inform y'all of what has happened since my last entry, I shall refer to my handy dandy homework assignment, which was to keep a time log for a week. I'm cheating though; I forgot to record Saturday so I'm going to record next Saturday and Sunday instead.

On Tuesday I spent 9 hours with the Kitt group. And recorded it in my time log. And thought, yeesh, why am I not getting sick of these people?

On Wednesday I overslept... yes, that's right, my first class is at noon and I still slept in till 12:20. I blame it on my cold. Which I think I got from Chris and gave to John. And I probably gave it to Amanda as well. Poor thing. At any rate, it's the first class I've missed so far! And I had some trouble with that night's homework but whatever. The TA explained it the next day in recitation.

At any rate, Wednesday was my busy day; I had calc (well, not really, since I didn't go), Japanese (sweet sweet nihongo no kurasu), CSCI 1300 (Cam & Spencer & Jude & unknown guy - he's pretty cool though, eventually I'll figure out what his name is), CSCI 2830 (Cam & semi-Spencer - he wasn't sitting as close by), then Cam walked me to Japan club cause he needed to know where the Hellems building was for a job interview the next day. And Japan Club was fun, we're gonna have a sushi party and either rock-climbing or karaoke. *grin* And following that I went to the Study Abroad Fair where I picked up a multitude of pamphlets and discovered that I could study abroad... next semester. In a spanish speaking program even. Because I meet the requirements for the spanish-speaking programs and the programs taught in English. Needed:

-x.0 gpa (which I'll get since I need a 3.0 for my scholarships and very few study abroad programs require more than that)
-second-semester sophomore status/junior status (which I have thanks to my lurvly IB and AP credits - 53 of them, in fact)
-SPAN 3000 for the programs taught in spanish (which I got from my AP Spanish test)


Anyway, during the study abroad fair I met up with the Kitt kiddos and wandered off with them. And since I was starving, a bunch of us went to the Harddrive cafe and I got a mediocre quesadilla. And we watched Monty Python. And then I got back to my dorm room and Princess Bride was on, so I watched that too. I think for the third time that week. Yeesh. Too much Princess Bride. And that's saying something.

Thursday nothing much happened, I just played Phantasy Star with Flowen and Mike and Tim and hung out in Brian and Alex's room. And watched a lot of Real World. Dear lord.

On friday I woke up early to do the calc hw I'd been slacking off on. I finished it all a half hour before class and decided it would be a wonderful idea to take a shower. So I was late. Eh. After comp sci I went with Cam and Jude down to Pearl Street, ate Chipotle again (and Cam paid again! Dammit! I tried to pay for him in order to pay him back and what does he do? pay for both his and mine!), and walked around looking at the Buskers. Cam was mean to the Zip code guy by giving him a military zip code. (fort polk, maybe? eh, it's in LA. I keep thinking about Sarah when I talk to Cam, just because of the GA and LA stuff. Lame connection I know. Not as lame as the fact that I [still] think Tim looks like Foote.) (And it's true that I don't know Foote at all! I admit it! I've hardly spent any time with the kid! But whatever. It's kind of like how Mike reminds me of someone but I'm not quite sure who... it's just an appearance thing. Do you ever get that?) But I digress. I whined at Cam and Jude so that I could go to Kitt. Oh, they say, she's bored of us, she wants to hang out with the COOL people. Haha. Anyway, we did eventually go back and I walked to Kitt, where I played two games of Magic with Jon and watched Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. I think. Yeah, something like that.

And then Saturday I went home on the bus, went out to lunch with mum and dad (and Keith and Gab and Amy) to an Indian place. Yum. And then Keith went with mum and I to the Performing Arts festival, where we watched some teenagers do improv. And then we drove home, and I played Sims 2 and dad went off to do Joey & Maria and Mom and I picked up some food from McDonald's and played Fable. Which was fairly dorky, but the punching people and being evil was enjoyable.

And on Sunday, oh glory of glories, I went to Nan Desu Kan with Nikki. Hooray! We saw the art gallery room, and bought a bunch of stuff at the dealer's room, and played this DBZ fighting game (Nikki was quite attached to teen Gohan), and watched Gunsmith Cats, and ate at Qdoba, and unsuccessfully attempted to beat this one guy in DOA3 (he was really good, he had a 40 or 50 game winning streak), and played each other in DOAX, and ate pocky, and walked in on the art auction, and I indulged myself and browsed through the yaoi doujinshi, but I didn't buy any of it. Ah, but, I was talking to this one guy while Nikki and I were playing DOAX, and maybe 40 minutes later, when we had to leave, he asks me for my phone number so we could "go see a movie or something". I said no, and that it'd be kinda hard to orchestrate anything since I live up in Boulder now (since he knew I lived in Aurora and he lives in Denver, or whatever). But, man. This is a big deal for two reasons:

1. I can't remember the last time I actually rejected someone. I don't think Greg counts. I guess there was the time in second grade when someone asked me out so I said no (well, duh - it's second grade). And my friend kissed me on the cheek in fourth grade so I basically made my dad tell him I was busy doing homework when he wanted to hang out and ride bikes with me. That wasn't outright rejection per se. And Shorty hinted that he liked me sophomore year but he never asked me out, and I never said anything about it either.
2. No one's ever asked me for my phone number before. At least, anyone who wasn't a friend wanting my number for friend-related or school-related purposes.

So that's all. For now.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

a mouse sitting on a cat sitting on a dog

Tee hee. Eh, I don't know.

So Nikki's getting a new roommate. Yay for Nikki! Down with the evil region of France! Haha. I'm a nerd.

Speaking of which, very few people got my t-shirt... props to those who understood after I explained, at least. Yatta. You people made my day!

So I went to Chipotle with Cam and Spencer. Spencer, it seems, has the attention span of a gerbil. I swear, he's worse than me. He was walking around on a ledge, swinging around poles, talking a mile a minute, and constantly switching the subject. In short, I was very confused. He also seems to share my oral fixation. Cam was going to say something mean about it but since I too have the fixation, and because I gave Cam a gmail account, he was unable to smite Spencer with his cruel wit. Haha! Speaking of Cam and the gmail... I came into comp sci today and Cam gave me this big smile and said something like, "You're wonderful!" I was like, wtf? Why are you being so nice? Then I remembered. And was pleased. Oh, and if any of you people want a gmail account... I guess I can give you one. I don't know too many people who are just dying to have one. Cam being the exception.

But anyway, the Chipotle was good. I must go frequently. Delicious burrito... *drool*

Oops, I owe Cam money. Eh, I'll probably see him tomorrow.

Oh, and the person to get hit #6666 wins a prize!

Sunday, September 12, 2004

there could be nothing better

I'm really happy.

It's odd. And hard to explain. The fact that it's just-friends (or, as he put it, "friends with no strings attached") just makes it so much easier somehow.

I like being a teddy bear.

I'm starting to understand why platonic is perfect.

It's perfect.

I guess I'm just not cut out for having a boyfriend.

Somehow this is the best of all worlds.


Alright, I'm finally convinced that I have the mental age of seven.

And... I'm sorry for all the shit I put you through. I think all I really needed was to be your friend. Thanks for your friendship, even though I didn't appreciate it like I should have.

Sunday, September 05, 2004


Ow, fuck. I've got a headache.

Apparently Nikki called, but my parents thought I was asleep so didn't pick it up or anything.


Time to watch the Yatta video.