Monday, October 16, 2006


I guess I haven't posted in a long time.

Partly, I think it's because I no longer feel the need to write about my life. I'm busy. I don't want to spend my time struggling to write about something meaningful. Writing on this isn't for me anymore. It's just for those who read it... (Though I don't know how many people still do these days.)

It's difficult to think of interesting events in my life, almost. Even though I'm doing lots of stuff, it all starts to blur together.

I had two Japanese tests and my astronomy midterm last week. I'm behind on Japanese. I'm doing alright in most of my other classes, but I'm worried about Programming Languages. Which reminds me, I need to email my professor to ask for the solution to the last assignment.

I have too much email these days. I have to email teachers to figure out syllabi. I need to schedule my next fellows session for 2270. The first one, one person showed up; the second one, no one knew about. I need to figure out a better way to spread the word. I need to email the professor. Bah. More email.

I've been spending more time with Daniel lately, mostly because my room has an odd smell. I discovered mold growing in my closet, and had the landlord send over maintenance to spray bleach. So my room smelled better for a week or two. Now it smells bad again. It may be dirty laundry smell, though.

I made shrinky dinks. You can see them at the Media Art Group blog. I made little heart earrings, which I've quite enjoyed wearing around campus. (Molly complimented them! It was so exciting!) I also made two butterflies, one big, one small. I'm planning on making another pair of earrings, and a bracelet/necklace from a couple other things I made. I could probably make the small butterfly into a necklace too, come to think of it. That'd be cool.

This weekend, a bunch of us went down to do a draft with mom. It was really fun, but we only got to play one round (out of the possible 5). Daniel made roast, and mom made fruit salad and cornbread. 'Twas tasty.

Friday was fun as well. After class I helped Cami with the ATLAS grand opening day. I photoshopped some pictures. After the big horde of people disappeared, I started doing my own picture and photoshopped that. I made a picture of me flying, and a picture underwater. They're the same pose, but I think the "flying" pose worked pretty well as a "swimming" pose too. Afterwards Molly and I went to the new 29th street mall. It opened friday. Boulder now has a Panera. It's totally awesome. We wandered into this pet supply store (mostly toys in the guise of stuffed animals, and hot dog costumes for weiner dogs) and the apple store (we got to play with the ipods). Then we went to Daniel and Cam's place and watched Doctor Who and Battlestar.

And I just got distracted by samorost and various related flash games. Bah, I say! Time for bed. I'm going to be tired tomorrow.