Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010

89 comments of spam on the wall, or: How I learned to stop worrying and love life after college

Apparently I have 91 comments that need to be moderated, two of which are short anonymous comments and the rest are in Japanese. No, I didn't bother to read them all.

Daniel has nominated to change the name of this blog to "The State I Was In" seeing how often I update this thing.

Part of the problem is that I don't feel motivated to blog unless I'm depressed. I've actually been marvelously undepressed these past few months.

I have a job that I actually like. Working at Wall Street On Demand is actually satisfying. I get to work on different things every day, I keep learning new things, and I'm also learning more and more about the internal workings of our software, so that I can better fulfill the functions of my job. I have nice coworkers. My friend Deepa has lunch with me most days. My boss, while scary in a boss sort of way, is pretty cool. We had a Christmas potluck and gift exchange last month. There's always free food in the kitchen. And I can actually motivate myself to wake up early enough in the morning to go in to work at seven once or twice a week. I'm never on call and I work mostly 40 hour weeks with a few exceptions. I have excellent benefits. Overall it's pretty amazing.

I see a lot of my parents. Today, for instance, I saw both of them. I would like to note that this is not normal. However, that is not to say that it was unpleasant. I actually enjoy spending time with them. Shocking.

My main hobby these days involves crocheting things, mostly gifts for my mother, though I've also made a crab for Becca (the hooker gave her crabs!), a scarf for Stetson, and a star pillow for myself. I keep meaning to take pictures of my creations but I always give them away before I remember to take any photos. Someday. I'm also making another hat for Daniel since he LOST HIS ON THE BUS. Dang him. His coworker apparently was like "You LOST the hat that your GIRLFRIEND made for you?! You're in trouble now!" This amused me greatly. I figure Daniel's new hat will be done by the next winter season.

I've also been playing various computer games. I play Guild Wars with Daniel, and I've bought the expansions for my mother so we may start playing that as well. Cam bought me Plants V. Zombies for Christmas and I ended up playing it for a week straight while on vacation in Idaho over New Year's. I played Eve quite a bit last summer until our corp got too hard-core for me and most of my college friends quit for the school year. I picked it up this Christmas because they had a $10 month deal but I've just been logging on once a week or so to train skills. Once every few months I dust off Rock Band 2 for a couple of hours. I just bought Wii Fit Plus with the idea that it might help provide motivation to get back in shape. [Edit: TOP SECRET]

Daniel and I will likely be moving at the end of the summer. It's looking good that he'll be graduating in May and he's applied to four different teaching positions: Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington; Mesa State College in Grand Junction; Colorado College in Colorado Springs; and Bowdoin College in Maine. Notice how none of these are local. Daniel and I are both hoping for Washington purely based on the fact that we think Washington is awesome (Daniel's cousin lives near there!). The closest one is Colorado Springs and for several reasons, that is probably my second choice. Daniel's second choice is of course Mesa State, as it is his home, his alma mater, and the location of most of his family.

Enjoy the status update. It'll probably be a few months before the next one.