Monday, February 28, 2005

Saturday, February 26, 2005

a series of importunate events

Today was a fairly good day, I'd think.

So this morning I turned in my program online, and headed off to class... I did end up being three minutes late, but, ah well.


I'm taking the "express" bus route. We've made every single fucking stop on the way here. The whole goddamn point of the express route is that it's faster because it SKIPS all these stops!

No, I'm not cranky.

There are drunk people behind me that are rather loud, but I forgive them, because they quoted Napoleon Dynamite.

And it's 7:13, and I'd expected to be in Denver at 7:15... but guess what, we were scheduled to be at 15th and Platte at 7:11 and we just got to the stop 2 before that one. AND THERE'S ANOTHER FUCKING STOP REQUEST!

Maybe the bus is broken, or maybe every stupid person taking this bus needs to get off at a different, special stop.

<grumbles incoherently about stops and the stupid people who request them on the express bus>

We were supposed to skip how many stops? And I think ALL of them were requested. Grr, now I'm going to be late. Ah well.

The good news is, I don't have my laundry with me. I feel free... free! I've just got my laptop, my hengeyokai books, and my Japanese homework. Well, and my purse, too, but that hardly counts, as I carry it everywhere.

It's not so bad though. I didn't even expect to make this bus in the first place...

So, back to the daily events.

In comp sci we got back our tests, and I was happy to see that I received a 93... until Spencer threatened to disembowel me with his Gerber, that is.

~time lapse~

Ooo, time lapse. Psychedelic.

But, yes. The whole depressed homicidal Spencer thing was frighteningly entertaining. We discussed WoW at lunch... and it has been decided by my mother that I shall buy my own account, to play on at my leisure (no worries about kicking dad off), and by myself that I shall be joining the boys' server, where I shall create a human priest and join their guild! And mum shall help me level her up, so she's not a pukey level one and can actually HELP them in battle if need be.

In Japanese, we did grammar stuff, and... spoke in Japanese. Erm.

In Linear, I took a ritalin beforehands and still managed to fall asleep. That lecture made no sense today.

And I talked to various people; Michael, Ransom, Chau... Weird, because a month ago I don't think I knew any of their names. They're interesting kiddoes though.

And... so after linear algebra I spent some time surfing the web and whatnot, finally decided what to bring home with me and packed my backpack, and around 5:35 I headed off for the Hop, which took me to Target.

So I looked for WoW (they were out, of course) and then I swung by where Daniel had said he'd be working. Not there... so I swung by where he normally works. Not there... so I swung by the cash registers, thinking maybe he'd responded to a call. Not there... so I directed my gaze toward the customer service counter, remembering him mentioning working there, or at the very least, talking about working with people who did work there. So in my peering a flicker of motion caught my eye in the clothing section straight in front of me... What do you know.

So, I said hello, and helped him figure out where one of the skirts in his cart of abandoned clothes was supposed to go... and picked up a particularly ugly skirt from his cart, put it back, and discovered that where it was supposed to go, someone had left 5 shirts. Grrr. So I put all the shirts back in their proper places so Daniel, or one of his coworkers, wouldn't have to...

It's one of those things, I understand now why mom was always such a stickler for putting things back where I'd found them. I have a much better idea of what the poor employees have to go through when I leave items in random places...

But, yes. So I left the store, caught the bus just as it was leaving (it was awesome, it must have pulled up when I was less than 100 feet away, and waited till I ran up to the stop), and thought to check my phone for the time. It was then that I noticed I had missed a call. The cool part, though, is that I pulled my phone out of my pocket less than a minute after the call. And, I had accidentally set it to volume level one, and there was fairly loud rap music on the bus, so, maybe I heard the phone and subconsciously knew it was ringing, but it could also have been pure luck. Awesome.

And so I called back my mom, and she said she'd be getting downtown around 7:15. I was currently planning on taking the bus leaving at 7:05 and arriving at 7:44. However, the bus before that was scheduled to leave at 6:36 and arrive at 7:15. During the call, the current time was: 6:22.

So, I told my mom I'd try to ride the earlier bus.

I ran to my room and grabbed my backpack (6:28), then huffed and puffed my way to the bus stop. I got there at 6:34.

So I got on the bus and... well. Lots of requested stops, much to my dismay.

I ended up getting to Market St. Station at approx. 7:35, about an hour after I'd gotten on. That's 5 minutes longer than the buses are scheduled to take for non-express routes. Laaaame.

But, anyway, we ran to McDonald's (arrival time 7:45), I bought and ate a spicy chicken sandwich (no match to wendy's, I must say) (finished eating at 7:52), and we ran down the street to the Bovine Theater, bought my ticket, and ran to the theater (sat down at 7:58). And yes, it was an 8 o'clock show.

Dad played in the first show, and then did lights for the second. So I'm very glad I came early and watched both shows. The second show was still awesome, even though my daddy wasn't in it. He says he was feeling off tonight... poor Daddy.

During the break between shows I bought a butterfinger (consumed in entirety), a reese's cups (one of two consumed) and a vanilla frapuccino (currently in the fridge awaiting future consumption). Then we all wandered down to Subway and I bought meself a sandwich. That made a much better dinner. Yum.

And then we got home, and I talked to Daniel online for three hours, or thereabouts.

Overall, a very nice day.


Friday, February 25, 2005


Ugh. I'm sick of the dorm food. By ten, you can't get an omelet at Libby anyway, and I don't want to eat any more scrambled eggs.

Hmmm... Easy Mac it is.

Oh, best not forget my multi-vitamin.

So I've been feeling a bit under the weather lately. Yesterday I felt much better, and today all I've noticed is that my throat's a bit sore, but that could be because it's dry.

Well, that was a hassle. At least I got my program all turned in.

I did actually finish my programming assignment around 2:30 last night, I just couldn't get the TA's test program to work. So this morning I woke up around 9, and managed to figure out where everything is in that stupid TA's directory. So my assignment is all turned in and... yep, it worked right the first time. After fixing all my syntax errors (forgot to get rid of the semi-colons in my implementation file after I copied and pasted function declarations) I ran Mishra's demo file, and the TA's exam file, and both acted just the way I wanted them to. Hooray.

Of course, I had help, so maybe that's not so surprising.


Mmm, time to make the easy mac!

You know what's weird? All the other kids (well, maybe that's not quite the term to use when referring to people who are all older than me, including at least one graduate student) in my Gamelets group have Mac laptops. Eric and Jim have PowerBooks and Michael has an IBook. There were some nifty things Eric was doing with the OS, though. I'll have to show Daddy on his G4 when I come home this weekend.

Is it done cooking yet? I'm hungry...

Tonight, I'm going to head down to Denver, watch one of my Daddy's On the Spot shows, and then go down to Aurora with him. That way I'll have all day Saturday to drive and play Wow and do laundry and hang out. All sorts of fun stuff.

So, Dad's improv show starts at 10:15, I'll want to be there at least by 10... Ah, where'd my B bus schedule go?

Before that, I figured I'd swing by Target, say hello to Dan, and finally use that gift certificate I got from Nikki for Christmas. Woot. Since, hopefully, I won't want to have excuses to go to Target much longer... Stupid store, keeps cutting his hours.

Wow, the last Boulder Express bus leaves at 7. That leaves... a lot of slack time downtown. I guess I can either watch both shows, or hang out at the 16th street mall...

So, what else... Nikki's birthday was on Wednesday... I hope she had fun.

What the heck?

Ooops. I just accidentally unplugged my clock...

... Ah, so I'm having fun roleplaying every week. Jesse and James are really fun people to play with, and Daniel, of course, I always like spending time with. He's a pretty evil DM though. Lovely...

It says 10:16 now.. well, I guess 20 minutes off isn't terrible. At least I have my computer clock.


Damn power plug!

I think I've adjusted my power plug at least 5 or 6 times since I've started this entry.

<looks back over entry> Crap, I did forget to take my multi-vitamin.

...Yes. These are the things I think about.

Wow, it took 34 minutes to write that entry. Huh.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

once you watch it, you can't unwatch it!

Monday, February 14, 2005


I cheated; I got my valentine's presents early...

It's funny, because this is the first year that I've had valentine's gifts that weren't from my parents... In some ways, it really is an overrated holiday, it's just to make all the single people jealous and all the non-single people (or at least, the ones who dislike pink or red) gag.

Ah, well, I don't mind... I have butterscotch candies! Heh heh heh...

I really am spoiled, aren't I?

I don't know... it's like... an excuse to be gooey, and really, I don't need an excuse, at this stage anyway. Like Nikki always says...

Hopefully my parents will have fun, since I won't be around to distract them from gooeyness. My dad can do his Kasha impression... Oh, ew, mental image... Haha.

I'm really happy right now...

Ah, right! Two things, I have two things to bring to school tomorrow. And Cam says I shouldn't be late to Comp Sci this time.

Sunday, February 13, 2005


[ note: This entry is backdated because I meant to post it yesterday night before I went to sleep. ]
[ current time: 2/13/05 11:58 PM ]

current song: Billy Joel - All About Soul

I had a really fun night.

So right now I'm doing laundry. It's 2:30 in the morning. No one's doing laundry. I'm queen of the laundry room, as it were.

Today when I woke up at noon my roommates were both sound asleep. It was really nice to sit at my desk and think for a while, no tv blasting, no music on, just silence and the knowledge that no one would come to interrupt my thoughts.

It makes me want to be nocturnal; the joy I find in the wee hours of the night, and not-so-wee hours of the morning. I want to go to bed at four in the morning and wake up at six just so I can get the bliss of sitting undisturbed in my room.

I can't wait till this summer. I'll have my own room again. I miss it so much...

Don't you love it late at night, when you're the only one left awake, and you can just own wherever you're at? Like, in the laundry room, or the engineering center, or even just in your dorm room. And you can look out at the world as it sleeps, and be content.

Different from last time... alone, but not lonely.


Wednesday, February 09, 2005

utsukushii desu ne


Let's listen to the wind. Tonight, the stars are beautiful, aren't they?

I'm tired, and I'm disappointed in myself, but I think I'll make it through. If I can make someone happy, maybe I can make myself happy too... Maybe this time I won't sleep in. Though if I do, I'm not sure I'll care as much, considering how much I've been paying attention in class so far this semester, and how much I, or my classmates, seem to care.

Do you ever do something and wish you'd done more? Been left with the dissatisfaction of having put forth some effort, but not enough to produce any positive result? Have you ever stepped back and observed someone's unhappiness, and then, having done the observing, wished you could have done something to remove it, only to realize that it's too late?

I finally put up the picture I got from Srav's graduation party. It's on the wall, under my Amelie poster, between the paper crane from my origami workshop, and the beaded purse I bought in Mexico.

For an instant tonight, as I was copying Unicode shortcuts for Kanji, I heard noises in the hall, and it broke my illusion; for a moment I had pictured that it was late at night, and I was in the dining room, working on my computer, avoiding doing homework, and trying not to wake up my parents... I want to be back home, sometimes. I miss my parents. It struck me, how happy and safe I felt in that moment, and I only noticed until it was taken away...

To oft feel lonely, but never alone. That is college, sometimes. I wonder, will it get better?

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

laptop troubles

So I was talking to my parents the other day and I mentioned that my current laptop sucks, but I couldn't actually remember what my major grievance was: the power.

So the battery sucks. That's expected. Maybe I can get a new battery or something. Its really short life can hinder me only so long as I have no power cord!

Oh, wait... my power cord is screwed up. So I plug it into the port and... it doesn't fit anymore. The damn thing is warped somehow, so I have to jiggle the damn plug until it starts sending power to my laptop. And if it gets jostled somehow and I don't notice, I think it short circuits, because not only does my laptop receive no power, but the plug and the laptop casing around the plug get extremely hot. This worries me. I don't like excessive heat in the vicinity of my hard drive.

There's a bunch of other little things... like the fact that the headphone port is damaged, so now all my headphones have decreased (or no) volume in the right ear... And I've used my earbuds on both the laptop and my cd player; they're screwed up in the laptop, and they work fine in my cd player. So, I've tested this, and it is my laptop screwing up, not the headphones themselves.

There's also the fact that the screen is scratched up. Of course, that's my fault. I admit it. I don't know how to treat my monitors nicely. Oh, speaking of which, the viewing angle on this laptop is miniscule. But whatever, it's not one of those really important things.

There's the fact that the little rubber feet on the bottom have fallen off, and the case is a bit warped. Again, that's just from use. Not a big deal. My fault, anyways.

Oh, and there's the fact that I want a bigger hardrive... but, uh, the biggest space hogs for my little laptop buddy are mp3s and jpegs, neither of which are incredibly necessary in doing schoolwork. Oh, and there's WoW. That's pretty important though, can't get rid of that.

And there's the fact that it runs incredibly slowly. But I bet if I take him home, my parents can help fix him up.

So, ah, my laptop's not really that bad... but the power cord / bad battery thing is bothersome. And of course, that's the thing I forgot to mention to my parents. Hopefully I can bring him home, and we'll figure out some sort of solution.

<pats her laptop lovingly> There, there, now. That's a good laptop...