Wednesday, July 14, 2004

time to leave...

Sunscreen, watch, AA batteries.

Other than that I have all my stuff. My parents are panicking.

In 30 minutes we leave for the airport.

I still need to shut down my desktop.

Talk to you people in August. Maybe I'll bring you back souvenirs.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

the toe of doom

current song: Maroon5 - Secret

So, yesterday I stubbed my toe on the leg of the wicker cabinet rather violently, and it seems to have turned a gruesome shade of purple. I couldn't resist taking a picture of it, so for your enjoyment: the Toe. The picture's actually kind of pretty, I think, disregarding the fact that Toes should most certainly not be that color.

In my shameful neglect of this weblog, I forgot to talk about my fourth of July celebrations. Although I've completely forgotten what happened in the morning and afternoon, I do remember that I begged Mum that we go out and do something "festive." Recalling last year's Cold Stone consumption, I suggested we go there. So we merrily made our way to Arapahoe Crossings where we purchased and consumed ice cream and then dawdled a while in Borders. After being unceremoniously ejected from the store (don't you hate it when the guy on the loudspeaker gives you a million warnings that the store's closing? I mean, what are we doing, we're trying to concentrate on deciding what to buy before the store closes! We don't need some random employee to interrupt us every minute to tell us we'll need to leave soon!) we drove around in the car observing the impressive displays of illegal fireworks. And that was all. But it was still fun. And I was proud of myself for remembering that last year we had watched a movie and eaten ice cream.

My trip looms. I'm a bit concerned about my toe, seeing as how we'll be doing loads of walking and whatever walking I did today (we went shopping) managed to turn it from a tame-looking dark mark near the toenail to the current purple monstrosity.

In other, exciting news, I now have my driver's license. I took the test on Thursday and passed with 95%. Goody, I got an A. Haha. When I got to book club Sara had spelled "CONGRATS" out with popcorn. Lovely warm fuzzies. ^.^ I don't plan on driving anytime soon though.

So I now know how to play four square, and how to climb up on a roof (well, with a bit of help). I saw illegal fireworks (unimpressive ones, unfortunately) and got spit at and got a flower and gave it to the toad statue on Danika's doorstep. I'm kind of sorry I left it, but I'm sure the toad will appreciate it just as much as I did. I got plenty of pictures, most of them bad but some of them respectable. It was nice.

I think I'll start wearing my hair down more now. The best person to make me feel pretty is myself.

wherefore blog?

Lately Eric and such have been ridiculing the idea of weblogging. Although I didn't say anything at the time (either time, actually), I don't think the idea is stupid and his reaction to it rather annoyed me.

Anyway, that doesn't matter. I thought I'd make this entry in order to clarify, for myself mostly, the reasons that I maintain and update a weblog, and why I write what I do in it.

There're the lesser reasons: entertainment, feedback, feeling of belonging in a kind of group, getting out my frustrations. But the biggest reason I record this stuff down is so I don't forget. I have a terrible memory. It's the same reason I'm so camera-happy; I have this need to capture everything so I won't forget. That goes for my friends especially. And that's why I'll sneak pictures of people who don't like having their picture taken. I really want to keep my memories. I'm most scared of forgetting.

If I write down all these insignificant thoughts, all these things I do, and how I feel about them, maybe I can remember. I put in things that only I or a few others will understand in most of my entries; I like it that way. I'm needlessly cryptic and vague because this weblog, these posts, are primarily for me. Not anyone else. But I like putting it online for all the fringe benefits. I get feedback from my friends, I feel like other people can get to know me better, I feel like people WANT to get to know me better. I'm encouraged to update regularly because I do have an audience. In the past, I've had journals but I've never stuck to them, kept them going. I'll look back on them and get all misty-eyed and nostalgic, but then I'll be disappointed to find I stopped writing. There are huge chunks of my life missing. I hate that.

So that, ladies and gentlemen, in case you were wondering (not that I really care if you weren't), is why I keep a weblog.

Monday, July 05, 2004

guilty conscience

current song: ff7 - tifa's theme

I feel bad. I've been putting things off. Like book club. I wanted to go, really wanted to go, but I didn't read. So I was going to go anyway but my parents wanted to go on an errand. This was maybe two hours before the start of book club. So we head to park meadows to visit the Verizon store. Mum's been wanting to switch even before she lost her phone. So we go and we look at the phones we want and Mom asks if we can buy the phones quickly, as we're in a hurry. She says sure. Stupid. Like, an hour later we finally get our phones. It's now around 5:45. I'm already 15 minutes late, and I'm at park meadows. Dad's suggested going out to dinner. I'm quite hungry. So, I decide, I'd rather eat out than come to book club 45 minutes late when I haven't even read the dang book.

Bah. I've been feeling bad about it though. I should apologize to Danika; I told her I'd be there.

There's also the habitat for humanity thing I missed out on. I feel bad about that too. Tennis lessons are a lame excuse. Truth is, I hadn't wanted to that much and I certainly didn't want to enough to force my mum to drive me, yet again, right after she had driven me from tennis, only to drop me off where I wasn't sure I'd find anybody. Besides, I hate fixing things. I'm definitely not a handywoman. Every time we go into the home depot my mom and dad are entertained, whilst I am bored to tears. I try to find soaps or something to occupy myself with. Bah. So, yeah, but Eric's like, "You hate poor people!" and although he was just being his annoying self I did feel bad about it.

Course I'm also putting off a bunch of other stuff too; I'm supposed to write a thank you letter to the sponsor of my scholarship. Oh, man. It sounds like such a pain in the butt. You can't just say "Thank you very much for the lovely monies"; you have to talk about YOURSELF and your future PLANS. Gag me. I bet they don't even care. Well, maybe they do. It is an awful lot of money. Apparently I got the maximum; the award ranges from $1000 - $3000 per year. And I finally figured out why I got a scholarship; apparently it's part of the school of engineering. If you're accepted into the school and an entering freshman, you're eligible for a scholarship. They take your class rank and GPA and SAT scores and such, and if you're good enough you just get money automatically. Well, if you write a thank you note you get the money.

Also, I need to talk to someone to make sure my choice of classes is ok. I think it should fulfill the scholarship's requirements; that's all I really care about. I may take classes in the summer if I feel I'm not getting my degree fast enough.

Bah. I miss my friends. I need to hang out with them or something. Oh, well. At least I have Nikki.

I wonder if I'll be invited to tea again?

On the plus side, my new phone's really cool. I have some nifty ringtones now: one, two, three. Hooray. Number three is my main one, because it starts right away; the other two have a second or so of silence at the beginning. I am quite enamored of all three. And they only cost a quarter apiece!

Thursday, July 01, 2004

tea and a movie or two

current song: fountains of wayne - radiation vibe

On Tuesday Ian called me up and I got an official invite to tea. That was awesome. So after tennis yesterday I got some black cloth, white thread, needles, elastic, cardboard, scissors, and duct tape and made myself an eye patch and dagger. Mum drove me to the house, where I had a decent time talking to people and looking at the pirate costumes. The food wasn't bad either, though the crumpets were subpar. May have just been that all the good ones were eaten before I got a crack at them.

So after Greg picked me up and we went to see Around the World in 80 Days, which was interesting, and then to my house to eat frozen pizza and play Halo. It was then that I discovered that my Halo disc contains a demo of Fuzion Frenzy. I can now practice Twisted System to my heart's content. I'll beat you all!

And then at 9 Alex and Sarah picked me up and he drove us to his house. I was quite impressed by the Europe Risk. Then Jon arrived so we all headed off to the theatre. Tickets were received and snacks were bought (my icee overflowed, dammit) and we settled in for the ever-exciting Spiderman 2. Most of those there said they thought it sucked, was lame, etcetera, but I actually kinda liked it. I mean, what were you expecting? It's not supposed to be scientifically accurate (or even close, for that matter). Meh. Oh, well, maybe the only reason I liked it is because I think Tobey Maguire is hot. And 'cause those octopus arms were really cool. I want octopus arms.

So then David drove me home. I am quite thankful to Michael for making his brother take me home instead of going to Winchell's. Everybody was like, "Oh, you should come with! You're already late, what's a few more minutes?" and "Just explain the genius sleep schedule to your dad if he wakes up, and by the time you're done he'll be too confused to do anything." I was especially glad when I reached the front door and realized I had forgotten my keys. Bloody hell. I had to ring the doorbell. And my curfew is now eleven and will probably stay that way until August.

Oh, and, I forgot to ask my mom about going to the movie today, or whatever, so I never got in touch with Sara, so I'm not going. It probably wouldn't be over by 11 anyway.