Wednesday, August 13, 2008

do you hear it too?

I swear I'm going crazy. This is the fifth time in the past two weeks that I've heard a snatch of a Paul Simon song floating through the office. By the time I leap up from my chair to investigate the source, it's gone. Today was "You Can Call Me Al"... Previous occurrences have included "Me and Julio" and "Late In the Evening".


I have solved the mystery! Ok, so I wasn't going crazy, but I apparently am too attuned to Paul Simon or something, because someone in an office across the hall and around the corner was playing it very quietly in his office. So, I could hear it, but only just enough to think I could have been imagining it. And my coworkers couldn't hear it...

Man, the guy must have had it on loop for the past two weeks. He must really like Paul Simon.