Friday, June 24, 2005

screw you blogger

Quit screwing up my damn layout! I don't want to have to write another work around this time! Ok, fine, that's it, I'm getting my own damn webpage. In another... uh... year or so.

and a final post for the afternoon

CU CSCI Student Directory - Seniors

What the hell?

oh the irony

Wow, it's really quite exciting. I got hit number 11111! Too bad it's on my own frickin' web journal.

Hit 11111!


Eh... Life goes on. Things are back to the way they were before, kind of.

My dad bought me a laptop on Father's Day. I bought him Aqua Teen Hunger Force, season 2. I think it was a good gift. We watched a few episodes.

Mom, since I didn't get her a gift on Mother's Day, got the belated crappy consolation prize of Raspberry Altoids (which I'd gotten over spring break but kept forgetting to give to her) and my John Mayer cd.

Rob's brother is coming to town this weekend so Daniel is lending him the use of his bed. Now his computer is communing with my own back at the apartment. We're going to reformat my computer, which hopefully will fix some of the crumminess. I'm also planning on roleplaying on Saturday (with Daniel, Jesse, and hopefully Stephen, who is Sophia's boyfriend). And I'm also planning on going down to Aurora Saturday night or Sunday or something and dragging Daniel with me.

I hope I actually get the chance to hang out with the old Smoky crowd sometime... I miss them. I've been invited to two different things now that I wasn't able to go to. Last weekend was just bad, though, since Saturday was... err... Genny's barbeque.

There's only one week left of Japanese. Then, a new semester... but still. It's intimidating. I have a week left to make up the tests I horribly failed (read: got a B- on) and memorize the thousands of frickin' kanji (read: 50 kanji) that I haven't learned yet. It's fun, though. I did much much better on the oral this time around. My performance on the chapter one oral was T3H SUCK.

Friday, June 17, 2005

no, I'm not dead

Yes, it's been a while. So... My laptop's dead. While attempting to jiggle the powerplug back into place, I turned and tripped on the cord, resulting in the laptop falling off the dresser it had been placed upon. I managed to catch my laptop mid fall, but not before it bashed itself on the dresser. So now it has a lovely gigantic diagonal burst of dead pixels, and the power cord sparks and hisses angrily when you attempt to jam it into the unreceptive port.

The result of all this, is that I attempted in vain to get my data off the harddrive in the remaining 18 minutes of battery power I had left. I brought up my desktop to my apartment... and now I have no internet connection. So I've been checking my email sparingly, much less surfing the net and weblogging like I used to.

The period between the end of spring semester and the beginning of summer semester was somewhat tortuous. If, uh, that's a word. Maybe it means cake-like, I don't know. At any rate, I was exceedingly bored with no job, no net connection, no tv, no friends up in Boulder, and a boyfriend with a 9-5 job. I mean... I did stuff... but... it was pretty boring. Now I'm in school. It's not so bad. Three hours of every weekday are occupied by class, I have two clubs to go to every week, and I have homework to do and various household chores.

So my parents have decided to grant me financial independence. It's not like I didn't want it, but, I currently have almost no money, and no job, and I need to find one. My mom tells me "Well, I don't think your father will want you to get a job this summer," but I can't really afford not to anymore. I have a certain amount of money that was saved up for college but I don't want to take out any loans, I don't want to spend it all and have no financial backing for when I'm looking for a job after college, I don't want to sell the stocks, and my living expenses right now are kind of horrifying. I'll cut back, and such, but... I don't know. It's frustrating, because I've never done this stuff before and... Eh, I'm just whining. It's all stuff I have to do, and it's all stuff I don't really know how to do, and even though I want a job, in a vague kind of way, I don't, because it'll take up a lot of time, and getting it and keeping it and doing it are ... well... work, I guess. It's always easier to just sit on your butt. I think once I make up my resume and find some places to send it, write the cover letters, and file my applications... it'll be... better.

So, yeah, I'm not dead. See?