Thursday, June 14, 2007

summer website

For those of you that still read this, or that are interested in what I'm doing this summer, I am required to make a website by the organization sponsoring my summer research. In other words, since I'm required to have a website for work, I'm much more likely to actually update it. So, here it is:

DMP Webpage


Friday, May 04, 2007

No more rulers, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks (post #700)


<dances around the room>
<dances around the room playing guitar hero>

All I have left is... my 10 page essay, due Monday. Oops. Guess I should start that, huh?


Go out to dinner with Daniel.
Go see Leah's LED clothing light show dancing thing.

Drive Dan to school for his final at 9.
Study for astronomy final.
Astronomy final at 10:30.
Lunch, perhaps?
Work on paper, perhaps?
Spiderman 3.

Study / work on paper.
BBQ with the fellows at 5.

Physics final at 10:30.
Turn in paper by 4.


Review session for 1300 (hey, maybe I should set one up for 2270? Nah. Too lazy.)

Theory of Comp final at 10:30. (Notice how all my finals are at 10:30?)


Look for an apartment. Crap.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


This is what I have been doing all day:

Monday, March 05, 2007

t-shirts and birthdays.

I was surfing on and I found this t-shirt:

Spilled Milk


I'll be turning 21 next month. In 6 weeks, actually...

I don't know what to do. I'm not really very excited about it, actually. I don't like alcohol, and I don't want to get drunk. I guess I'd like to try some drinks (though dad did say he'd buy me some alcohol if I came by to see the show). I want a piña colada. And I want to try hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps. But I don't really want to do anything else. Maybe we could see a movie or something. I want to hang out with Nikki, and Daniel, and Cam. And Ian wanted to come too. Which means I should probably invite my other friends... but it's a Monday, and I don't know that I'll want to... I'm not sure I'll want to do much of anything. Stupid Mondays.

I'm tired. And I haven't done anything productive all night. I just feel blah. I don't really want to work on physics. And I can't concentrate long enough to determine if there's anything else due, that I might actually want to do...

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Note the strikethrough on the blogs under the "Links" section. Those are all people who have either gotten their journal deleted, or have updated less recently than ME. Now that's sad.

Time for ... work? Crud, I'm late. Maybe I should work from home instead... Or actually do my homework.

Do not eat

バレンタイン一押し: おいしそ~う!食べちゃってもイーデスカ?!
(Valentine Push: They look delicious! Is it okay to eat them?!)

These are so adorable.