Thursday, June 26, 2003

Well, pages 49 and 51 seem to be missing. Good thing I'm not a sorcerer.

Yesterday Nikki came over (yay!) and to celebrate the occasion, after getting bored of playing DOA3, we went and bought DOA: volleyball, or whatever the heck it's called. You can tell that it's targeted toward teenage boys, what with all the skimpy swimsuits and if you go to a location by yourself, you just lay about. "Oh, I'm all alone... *stretch*" Yeah... But anyway, it's really fun for girls too, at least, I think it should be. You get to buy swimsuits, play volleyball, buy accessories, and there's a hopping game to get money if you suck at volleyball and no one wants to play with you because they all hate you. Not speaking from experience, of course. *cough*

Apparently my permit expired in march so today me and mom are going to the DMV to renew it. <sarcasm> Joy. Standing in line for hours. I can hardly wait. </sarcasm>

But, anyways. So far my summer has been much more interesting than any other I can remember. Even the summer when we went to Disney World. Gasp!

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