Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I'm currently typing in Dvorak. It's... interesting. And slow. Very slow.

Not much has happened lately. On Saturday I participated in the game of "Assassin." This included an enjoyable amount of stalking Travis, having my throat slit with a plastic spoon, engaging in an honorable paper tube battle with Steven, and hiding out in Duane for ten minutes with a bag of sand.

I've also found the time to cut out a bunch of squares of paper, label them with letters, and tape them onto my keyboard. And voila, a Dvorak keyboard! Here is a picture:

Oif, it's hard to type on. Even when I look at my hands...

Though I've discovered that trying to do ctrl-c is really difficult now without Dvorak turned on.

Yes! I typed the entire entry without switching to qwerty! And yes, that is part of the reason why this entry was so short.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok, this creeps me out... I learned dvorak in my early 20's but gave it up after I got my first programming job... OUR CHILDREN ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT OUR MISTAKES...

Love, Mom

PS I paid the 48.00 tuition online today (Weds) hope it was in time.