Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I went to the doctor's yesterday. Surprisingly enough, the only thing that still hurts is my arm, where I got my tetanus shot. It feels like the flesh where the bandaid was is bruised.

That's all I really wanted to say. I think part of the reason I write blog posts so infrequently is because, for the most part, I only have one thing that I want to write about, and I could just as easily contain it into a status message.

Speaking of which, I recently joined Twitter. So far it's been a success, I should say, thanks to the firefox plugin that lets me click on the bottom of my window and type in a new status or reply to someone else's. It's similar to gmail chat in some ways. Which is the only reason why I'm still using it.

It shows me when one of my friends has a new status. Paul's seem to be the weirdest of all my friends (and I'm following Turing, go figure). I've become better friends with him over the last year. Not surprising since we're sort of forced to spend time together. (Hooray for senior project.)

It used to be that when I said "Paul" I meant a different person. But I haven't actually talked to that one in a pretty long time. I haven't seen him at SciFi, I keep ditching GameDev, and our dinner club sort of dissipated.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

back to work

I really don't update very often, do I. My life seems sort of boring from inside of it. I go to school, go to work, go home, watch tv, play Tabula Rasa, sleep.

I'm enjoying the New Pornographers CD that my dad copied for me. It's been in my car for a few weeks now and there's only one song that I skip on it. When I first listened to the CD, I hated it, of course. The only way for me to find music I really love is to listen to it over and over until I like it. For some reason I rarely like my favorite songs on first listen; everything I like straight away eventually ends up forgotten. Take, for instance, Modern Life is Rubbish, my first Blur album. I bought it because it was cheap, and on first listen hated it and wished I hadn't bought it. But after a few months and repeated listens it became one of my favorite albums. Not to say that I wouldn't recommend it over Parklife.

I've also been listening to Slacker radio at work a lot. If you'd like to listen to my station: here it is.

My semi-vegetarian status seems to still be holding, for the most part. I do think it's a good thing for me to force myself to eat shrimp or fish instead of other meats, and I like shopping at Vitamin Cottage (though Daniel complains that it's full of hippies). It has led to situations where I've eaten bread pudding for dinner, however. Next time I'll go to Noodles, I swear.

In not as happy news, today was layoff day at Sun. It seems that my entire team is untouched, but one of my friends in a different team was laid off, and I don't know what to say... I just feel awful about it, but I feel like I need to wait until she says something to talk to her. I'm also sort of edgy walking around the office, because not everyone knows if they've been laid off yet, and I don't know who's staying or not. I promised Molly I would tell her if any of her friends got RIF'd, but I honestly don't know how I would know...

And, well, it looks like I might have a job after graduation. If our team gets new responsibilities after the re-org, they'll need more people, and my manager pretty much stated that he's going to request a position opening for when I graduate. Knock on wood. So, I'm actually pretty psyched about that.