Thursday, January 30, 2003

as nice as it is to know i'm not alone in the universe, it kind of sucks to know that other people are suffering like i am. most of the time i just feel so isolated from people that i seem to think i'm miserable, and they're not. which is an absurd notion. we're all in the same boat. it's just as hard for most people to get out of bed in the morning as it is for me. in a lot of ways i have it easier, since i'm gifted in certain things. take, for instance, understanding of concepts. usually it doesn't take me too long to catch on to concepts. i don't have too much trouble with that most of the time and i know some people really struggle with it. but i have the idea that all my other faults make me worse off than the other people. in a way, that's rather egocentric. i mean, who am i to say who's worse off than me, or better off? the people who seem to have it better than me are probably working their butts off for it. and although i feel that doing work is a living hell, who's not to say that it isn't hell for anyone else? i think i have a rather low pain threshold. but, see, my friends have just as hard a time as i do. they have to live through hell too. and they have to find some kind of motivation to work.

hmph. well, i don't know. i'm probably more similar to people than i think. it's a nice feeling, kind of. odd, but nice.

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

japanese club today. well, kind of. apparently sakakura-sensei didn't know there was a meeting. so, i borrowed the love hina manga of aharon's that i had been reading and we went home early. actually, aharon let me borrow the first four novelish things. what, graphic novels? i read three of them today. mwahaha. it's a really good manga.

aaargh. everyone's been sick lately. it's icky. about ten people i know have been sick in the past week or so. usually this many people don't get sick at once. i wonder if there's a cold epidemic? i had a stuffy nose for about a week, nikki had lots of ickiness for a little over a week. claire, kymberlee, shaina, all missed school because they were sick. and there are the various feeling icky, but still coming to school people.

eric, i think, is switching out of fourth period tok. gah, that period keeps getting more boring. apparently allie is switching in, which is good since she's nice and someone to talk to, and bad since it means she and kymberlee will spend all period talking about the avs. ah, well.

i brought my mp3 player to school today, and listened, not to mp3s, but to mlir (modern life is rubbish, the first blur cd i ever bought...). wow. but, it's been a long time since i listened to music in school. it was rather nice. and, i brought magical mystery tour to school, and nathan was happy. he was also happy to discover that "i am the walrus" is on that cd. he goes, "wow, that's my next favorite song!" very cool.

the essay i did for parsons was actually kind of fun once i got into it. he made me explain a paragraph in we. so i turned it into a poem. don't ask. it was quite fun though, surprisingly so. the essay on friday, however, is probably not going to be fun. i don't know what it's going to be about, but i was talking to parsons, and he says that we've already written what we need for the essay. i'm like, what the? oh, well.

mom is returning to us on friday at 9 or so (her flight gets in at 8:30). i will probably see her at 9:30. unless i go with dad to the airport to pick her up. that would be nice. but, apparently uncle scott named mum the beneficiary of his life insurance. so, we're going to be wealthy, at least for a while. my dad's planning on getting hdtv and surround sound. my mom wants another computer. she's like, "i'm going to take you on a vacation. i need to give you something." she asks me what kind of car i want, i tell her an old used crappy sedan. she finds this hilarious. she tells my grandparents. they find it hilarious. but, as soon as i get my license, i figure i can have my own car. and some of the money, mom says, is going into my college fund.

aaargh, but, she's shipping the cougar out. i think he's going to reside outside my office. she also mentioned placing him in the kitchen, but that would be even creepier. i mean, there's a damn cougar staring at you as you eat breakfast.

anyways, i ought to go to bed. really, i ought to finish my math homework, but between bed and math, i prefer bed.

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

poor nikki. she was having a bad day last i saw her. i hope she's feeling better. i let her borrow 6 of my gel pens.

wow, it's odd to come home at 1:30.
i just ate lunch. and watched some tv. dad's at work, he had a meeting. he got mad at me because i walked to the car and didn't run. grrr. oh well.

bah. tomorrow i'll go in to do a timed essay with parsons during eighth. yesterday i went into his mobile to set up a time. he wasn't there, though. so i look at that one curtained-off area, and i think, what's it like back there? so i go back there and sit down. heh. but someone comes into the mobile, and i think, oh, crap. so i stay behind the curtain and wait for her to leave. she doesn't leave though. and then someone else comes in. and then parsons comes in. by this time my legs are starting to fall asleep, so i move around a bit and they hear me. aaargh. of course, parsons called me a freak. but, yeah, that was the highlight of the day. i was right about the curtain place though, it's quite soothing to go back there.

today i brought revolver to school and parsons played a couple songs on it, eleanor rigby (yay) and yellow submarine (god save me). tomorrow i'll try to bring magical mystery tour for nathan, since he likes strawberry fields forever. i love that song too, it's awesome.

but, tok is turning out to be incredibly boring. kymberlee hasn't been here so far this week, and chaffin wasn't there today, so the only interesting people left in that class were eric and yuri. wow. and we listened to more of the mark twain book today. now, if we were just reading it by ourselves then it wouldn't be so bad, but the pace is bloody slow, the guy's voice is kind of annoying, and he keeps reading it wrong. i'm like, do it right, won't you? aaaargh.

spanish is going to kill me, i've decided. we had a discussion (for participation points, of course) in class on monday and i think i was the only person in the whole bloody class who didn't say anything. today i said one thing, so that's good, but i can't really express myself well in english, let alone spanish, and i didn't really say what i wanted to... the teacher argued about what i said, too, which kind of sucked. oh well, i'll live. maybe she'll give me some participation points.

ginsberg accepted the history packet a day late. i turned it in today during third, and after fourth when i was talking to nikki, he stops and gives it to me graded. i don't think he really reads those things. ah, well. i got full points, which is good.

wow, if any english teacher read this they would probably keel over from the poor use of grammar. i keep switching tenses and crud.

speaking of english, i should go read the intro to we before i forget about it. other than that, i just have the history for tomorrow. i'm sure that eventually i'll have to do some math, but it can wait for now.

Monday, January 27, 2003

yay, nikki and mommy called. i'm happy. odd events abound, but their tale will have to wait for tomorrow.

Sunday, January 26, 2003

current song: girls & boys - good charlotte

yesterday me and dad went shopping. he bought a good charlotte cd, which i have stolen. actually, we got a bunch of stuff. first we went to aaron brothers, where i got 11 gel pens (pretty!). then old navy, where i stocked up on jeans. and lastly (but not leastly?) was borders. i looked up nietzsche and looked at a couple ayn rand books. my dad sees me, he goes "what the heck are you reading? put that down, she's crap. nietzsche isn't great either. you should read some intro to philosophy books." i love my dad. so i don't buy anything, but he buys the gabby gourmet 2003 (it's a restaurant guide), 3 cds, and i think some other book.

but anyways. today we ate out at michelle's. lovely. two pages of their menu was devoted to ice cream concoctions. and, aaargh, since i forgot my history notebook at school (i'm such a spaz) and thus was unable to do any history homework, i had very little homework over the weekend. yep. and we rented barbershop and watched it. so that was fun.

but, i swear, i'm sick of freezer food and eating out. gah. i need my mummy's cooking. i've spent a week now eating nothing but tv dinners, frozen food, fast food, and restaurant food. i need some decent nutrition. the highlight of the day has become my peanut butter sandwich. now that's sad.

Saturday, January 25, 2003

wow. i found a list of all my made-up yahoo ids (so i could have limitless geocities space to store my millions of pictures) and i was going through them and seeing what remained. most of the websites were deleted, including my old sailor moon website. that's gone permanently, since the original html files were stored on my old computer that died. but, i went to the mailbox of my old email address. and found 234 emails. all spam. aaargh. well, this is what happens when you don't go to your mail for a couple months.

but, i think i went a little overboard in the creating ids department. i had 8 different ids. 6 of them were based on sailor moon. eh, i'm an obsessive person. deal with it.

let's see, what have my obsessions been for the last few years?

the first obsession i can remember was final fantasy 7, which started in seventh grade. then came the beatles. that was really big. that obsession lasted a long time, maybe 3 years or more. then came sailor moon, and anime in general (at least, the stuff played on cartoon network), like tenchi and dbz. then the fan fiction of gundam wing. not the series, but the fan fiction. i would surf the net at night when my dad was gone and my mom was asleep or off doing something. i stayed up till 6 in the morning once, i remember. and my mom yelled at me when i slept till noon. after gundam wing came blur. so i was completely in love with blur, and damon albarn, for a while. but i got bored with them. so i obsessed about yuyu hakushou. then i discovered kingdom hearts. then probably, i got obsessed about blogs. then there was a brief obsession over lord of the rings. or at least, it could have been an obsession. but i guess i didn't try hard enough. heh. nowadays, i don't know. possibly blogs. it's possible i don't have an obsession over anything. maybe that's why my life seems a little boring right now. what do you do if you don't have something to obsess over, to focus on?

eh, probably my obsessive nature is unhealthy. but it's fantastically fun to be completely crazy about something, or someone. i think i suffer from monomania. but it's ok, i'm happy enough.
ugh. mom is probably going to stay in california for another week. dad's been thinking about flying bubbi out here to watch me for a weekend while he flies out to see mum.

this sucks.

in other news, uncle scott had a stuffed cougar and mom wants to bring it home and put it on the ledge outside of the library. i hope she changes her mind. that would completely creep me out. i mean, there's a dead mountain lion waiting outside my office, spying on me. waiting to pounce if i don't do my homework.

Thursday, January 23, 2003

mmm... i just went out to dinner with daddy. we went to red robin and ate burgers. mmm, cow.

hopefully this stupid group 4 thing will work out ok. oddly, i have been cast as "amelie", kitchen assistant to chef pierre. i'm kind of happy about it, actually, because amelie's awesome. i love that movie! chaffin came up with the name, and i guess he was thinking about the movie, because when jason asked how to spell the name, chaffin said you spelled it like the movie, amelie. cool.

since it was at jason's house, he picked me up and dropped me off afterwards, so that was fun. his car is frickin huge. i'm glad he was able to drive me though. not knowing how to drive sucks. and it's been really hectic this week since my mom's gone and my dad just got cleared for his job, so he just started working. kinda bad to randomly take off in the middle of the day when you have a new job.

danny's birthday is on the 27th. i thought someone else's was too, but i can't remember now...

i keep switching around on this whole lunch thing. i don't want to be in tok with droege (which is the eighth period class with all the openings), and kymberlee has commanded that i not leave. getting out right after 7th definitely holds some appeal. and there are certain people in the other tok classes who i probably would not enjoy being around. *cough* but anyways, i still don't know what i'm going to do. i guess inertia will probably take over, and i'll just end up staying the way i am now.
aaaargh! group 4 is driving me nuts!

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

yay! mummy called! we talked for a frickin hour! it was very nice... i'm glad i got to talk to my mommy. i miss her... sniff.

ah, well. poor daddy missed her altogether. gah. she'll be back on monday though, so that's good.
i've been thinking that i probably want to switch my lunch period. i had the first day of my new schedule today. although tok was fun (especially listening to katsnelson and chaffin arguing) it's no substitute for lunch. and alex and nathan still have that lunch period, so if i'm not eating with nikki i won't be lonely. and i'm also starting to realize just how little i'll see of nikki if i don't change my schedule. i saw her at japanese club today (an officer's meeting, how exciting) which was nice, but that only happens every other week. gah. and eighth period, i had forgotten that everyone has class then. so the only person i can talk to is megann. it was interesting to spend the period with megann, but i don't know. i probably had the most fun during ninth, talking to baylee and corey (if that's how you spell his name) and chaffin. i'd still have ninth period off no matter what i do.

i'm still kind of undecided on the issue though. i actually talked in tok today, and if i were in a different class (and had a different seat) i might not feel so inclined. i like expressing my opinion, but it's hard for me. and kymberlee would be sad. she threatened me not to switch out. and if everyone switches out, there will be a billion kids in eighth again and no one in fourth. ah, well.

eh, well, what do you peoples think? gimme your opinions! c'mon!

Monday, January 20, 2003

gah. mum has flown off to california for a week to sort things out over my STUPID uncle scott. god! self-centered jerk. oh, well.

i miss my mommy!

oh, well. for the week that she's gone, me and dad plan to eat tons of sugar, go out to eat a billion times, watch a few movies (yesterday we saw minority report), and goof off as much as possible. for the last three days i've done pretty much nothing other than play video games straight. with the occasional break for tv, food, and sleep. and i read about ten pages in lord of the rings yesterday.

this weekend does not promise to be very productive. when i go back to school on wednesday, i'm going to be even more of a slacker than normal. i'll have been practicing slacking off all bloody weekend.

Friday, January 17, 2003

i watched dogma!!! oh, it was so good. i love that movie! jay rules!
gah, it's only the beginning of the four-day weekend and i'm already bored. what's wrong with me?

hmph. i still need to get myself a birthday calendar...

well, finals were icky but now they're over. and thankfully, i finished the lit essay in class, on time. a few minutes early even. parsons seemed proud. i'm hoping his astonishment at the fact that i finished my essay will mask the crappy content. comp sci test was do-able. although i know i missed at least a couple of questions. same for the science and math exams. i'm sure i did not do "great" on any of my finals. hopefully i passed them all, and hopefully none of them will end up bringing my grade down. up is good, down is not. i don't think i'll have too much of a problem though. spanish was a lot easier this year than last year, and although i screwed up my scantrons, i fixed it, and managed to survive the teacher's annoyance. history, i did well on both of the first sections, amazingly so, and on the third i got a C, which is better than a lot of people, so i'm happy. other than that... i ate lunch with nikki and ryan today, which was moderately fun. i realized one of the reasons i don't always like eating lunch with them, is the fact that half the time i'm ignored. i hate sharing attention. i'm so spoiled.

so, in conclusion, finals were evil but i don't feel i did horribly (or extremely well) on any of them, and now they're over, so hooray. four day weekend.

Thursday, January 16, 2003

well, this is rather interesting:
current mp3: the trick is to keep breathing - garbage

i guess i'll go to bed early. i can't think of anything to do other than study, and i don't want to study. there's not much point. i'll have an hour and a half to study tomorrow, won't i? and what can i really learn in a night?

i hate it when it gets like this... i lose my ideas, and i can't find anything to do. so i just sleep. there's no point in staying awake; there's nothing to do. oh, well. tomorrow i'll finish my finals and then over the weekend, i'll work on my comp sci i.a., and take a break from school, and on wednesday i'll come back and everything will start from the beginning again. and it will be good, and fresh, and new. and i'll try to do my best, i suppose, and i'll just work my way through all the tough spots.
almost done... only 2 more finals to go...

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

wow. well, today was moderately interesting. thank god, i'm done with two tests! only four more to go.

history and spanish weren't too horrible, so i'm pretty happy about that. after spanish, i went to the math study session thingy instead of my pointless weight training final, which would have consisted of lifting and/or doing nothing for an hour and a half.

after the whole math thing, i went to another study group, which was incredibly odd. i'm not used to... well, having friends to study with. my friends have always been either a) in different classes or b) not really mentioning the whole study-in-a-group thing. did i mention that last saturday was my first study group ever? so this was my second. a rather interesting experience. being with boys instead of girls was... educational, i suppose. but anyways, we studied math. lovely. chaffin gave me a ride over to eric's house, and later hugh joined us. hmmm, eric, hugh, and chaffin. do i see a pattern here? but, yeah, so that was probably a more enjoyable way to study math than anything else i can think of. hopefully my studying will mean i don't horribly flunk the final.

well, off to study some more math, and some science, in the hopes that it will improve tomorrow's test scores.

Monday, January 13, 2003

finals week sucks. that's my revelation of the week, just so you know. enjoy.

Sunday, January 12, 2003

wow, this book is so interesting. it's called frogs into princes. it's written as if you're in this seminar, and you're a therapist. you want to know how to communicate with your clients better, and to find appropriate and different solutions to their problems. ok. but, basically, they (the authors) are talking about different types of thinkers right now. there are different places your eyes point when you're accessing memories visually, auditorily, kinesthetically, whatever.

but, right here they're talking about how good spellers think. they imagine a word visually - the spelling of it. right? so, you can see the letters. then, to check if it's right, they check it kinesthetically. and if it doesn't "feel" right, they wince. it's really weird to read that. because that's what happens to me whenever i'm trying to spell something. and one reason i hate to read things with really horrid spelling or grammar. i actually experience an unpleasant feeling if there are mistakes that i can notice. but, what this book is saying, is that anyone can learn to spell well, simply by learning the process. of seeing the word, then checking if it feels right. and that way, poor spellers can learn to spell better! nifty, huh?

Saturday, January 11, 2003

today was so fun!

first off, the study group. it was wonderful! i really really enjoyed it. normally, i just do homework and stuff by myself and it gets pretty boring. but, doing the stuff together was still fun, and it was great to see friends from school on the weekends.

i think the highlights of the day were probably playing trivial pursuit while me and chaffin and alex waited for our science project to melt (wax in a pan, you know, for the group 4 project) and also driving to sonic in chaffin's car. heh. the whole frickin' day i was over there was fun, though. and talking to claire and megann and alex and chaffin was so incredibly awesome. and i'm very happy to have done the science lab, since i probably wouldn't have even looked at it till sunday night otherwise, and then gotten all panicky as i tried to figure out what to do.

so, i went over there about 9:15ish, got there around 9:30, didn't go home until 6:00 at night. very very fun. when i got home, i made myself dinner, played some ac with mum, and watched fellowship of the rings with her until about 11. a very fun day. and, it's odd, i actually did do a couple productive things. that's the amazing part. i never have this much fun in a day and still get stuff done!

well, tomorrow i definitely need to study for finals. i'm gonna go for history, mostly, since we have that identifications test on monday and the essay test on tuesday. and the dbq on wednesday. and i'll study spanish, also, i guess, since that's the second test i'm taking on wednesday. other than that, i guess i'll analyze that science lab. and do some review packets. like, for math. and i can look at the vocab packet for comp sci.

so, so far it's been a lovely weekend. sunday won't be quite as fun, but ah well. this is probably one of the most exciting weekends i've had in a long time!

Friday, January 10, 2003

other than that, i've decided i need to stop looking at lotr websites/pictures/quizzes and such and just... uh, do other things, i guess. like, for example, homework. i really really have to study for finals over the weekend.

here's the finals schedule:

wed - period 3, 7, 9
thurs - period 2, 5, 8
fri - period 1, 4, 6

so first off, i should study for history and spanish. then science and math. and lastly, lit. and comp sci. i'm not even really going to worry about those so much, they'll probably be less stressful, and really, how much can you study for an essay? and i'll have an hour and a half with nothing to do except study for comp sci, during my 4th period "lunch" final.

course i mustn't forget about the other, regular homework. and the long-term projects starting to loom on the horizon.
wow, apparently i'm a mix between pippin and frodo. fun. observe:

You are most like
Frodo Baggins, Son of Drogo
With many acquaitenances, Frodo is deeply attached to a few people, like Bilbo, Aragorn, Gandalf, and Sam. His high ethics come out in his treatment of Gollum and Saruman. Frodo has pity on Gollum and believes that change can occur.

You have a strong personal morality. You are committed to relationships and their growth. You tend to be an idealist, believing the best of the world around you. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have a tendency to introspection. While providing compassion and being considerate, you may have the tendency of being soft-hearted or even "too emotional" You like keeping your options open. Closure is probably not one of your strong suits.

The Orcs display the evil side of this personality with their lengthy torture methods.
Traits: Empathic, benevolent, looking to the future. On the dark side you could be sadistic.

Take the test HERE.

Which Lord of the Rings Character are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

and to break away somewhat from the lotr madness:

Christian *sigh*
Which Moulin Rouge Character Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
Your Christian! The only thing you believe in is love. Love is all you need in life. It's like oxygen, and you can't let it go...

Sad Christina
Which Christina Aguilera Song are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, January 09, 2003

i am so looking up the lyrics to that beer song...

"Hey, ho, to the bottle I go
To heal my heart and drown my woe
Rain may fall and wind may blow
But there still be... Many miles to go

Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain
And the stream that falls from hill to plain
Better than rain, or rippling brook
Is a mug of beer inside this Took!"

oh, how cute. i'm sure it's different in the book, if it's in there at all... ok, I'm looking that up too.

allrighty then...

Ho! Ho! Ho! to the bottle I go
To heal my heart and drown my woe.
Rain may fall and wind may blow,
And many miles be still to go,
But under a tall tree I will lie,
And let the clouds go sailing by.

that one's sung by sam and pippin, and it's when they're in the forest, before they reach the ferry. ah, well, useless trivia, but it's fun! everybody likes lord of the rings! right?
current mp3: the beer song from lotr

well, i probably failed the math test again, but oh well. hopefully my grade will stay in the b-range for semester grades.

apparently, there are... 359 mp3 files on my computer. most of them (334 of them) are copied from my cds, or albums i've found lying about the house (for example, r.e.m. and sex pistols). some of which i should probably remove from my computer, as i don't really like them that much. some of which i might eventually want to remove from my computer, as they are evil illegal mp3s.

torturing eric during lit was fun. about a billion people asked him questions during lit class.

other than that, today was pretty uneventful. working on finishing up the painting presentations for lit. working on the group 4 project during science. studying during history. studying for math test during lunch. math test. fiddling with the neato graphing calculator during comp sci. spanish test. hanging out in the library with claire and srav. pretending to weight lift. and, then, going home.

wow, isn't my life exciting?

oh, but, here's interesting news. mum was too tired to make dinner so we ended up getting stuff from boston market, including mashed potatoes, and chocolate cake. i also ate the cake with vanilla ice cream. low-sugar diet? ha! but at least my sanity (or relative sanity) will remain intact for a few more days.

Wednesday, January 08, 2003

haha! that was great! ok, so, i've just watched an interview with billy boyd... it's half an hour long. really really great though! eee, and it's so fun to listen to that accent!!! the interview's in real time at...
eeee! it's billy boyd *heart*

Which LOTR Actor Is Your Ideal Husband?

brought to you by Quizilla
Your ideal husband is Billy Boyd! I hereby label you a lover of boyish Scots and one of those girls who swoons in front of smiley musicians

oh, jeez. what's with me and thirty-year olds? ah, well, he is rather adorable. gotta love the accent!

besides, i still like frodo better than pippin. though pippin is awfully cute...

Tuesday, January 07, 2003

current mp3: beauty dies young (graham coxon remix) - lowgold

well, i suppose school is back, but not too horrible so far. having done almost no homework over break (reading we was the only productive thing i even attempted), i return to find that slacking is bad. however, since i already knew this, i feel little remorse. and other than that, it's nice to see my friends again. one tends to get a little lonely over the holidays.

well, despite the lack of sleep my brain seems to be functioning normally. interesting events of the last two days?

well, we've started presenting those lovely pieces of art we created for lit. nathan and i have not presented ours yet. but, how lovely, we get to go first thing tomorrow, since eric and chaffin were the last ones to present today. the sad part is, they did a better job of explaining our painting than we're going to, i'm sure. we didn't think of all the things they did. ah, well.

science has been a group 4 week. this whole week we're going to work on our group four projects. which is... fun, i guess, since i'm with alex and chaffin, but still rather uneventful. much more productive than most of my projects are. we actually are going to do something other than sitting around and either: a) talking about random crud, or b) arguing about what we're going to do for the project, and never reaching an agreement. so, we'll melt wax. i need to remember to ask mum if she wouldn't mind if i stole one of her cooking pots.

history, fascinating as usual. we've been talking about france. and the horrible 3-part semester final we're going to take. gah.

lunch... well, yesterday poor nikki was waiting for ryan the whole period, apparently. i had an appointment with my counselor, to talk about the lunch / no lunch thing. well, she said i should try out my current schedule for a few days, then come back and talk to her if i really want to change. today, i was listening to ex-ibers talk about college. pretty much, they said that dorm food was repetitious, that colleges granted scholarships based on need, that although ib didn't do much for them credit wise, it sure helped them with time management! ick. i hate time management.

math. lovely. since apparently everyone failed the math test we took before break, she's letting us retake it on thursday. hopefully i'll do better than last time, as i don't think a 50% test score really makes the cut.

we've been working on our dossier - our internal assessment, basically - in computer science. which is causing me a great deal of pain. hopefully, i've figured out what to do for it. i'm thinking, a nutritional information program. it'll read recipes off the net, or whatever, and tell you what the nutritional information is per serving, or whatever. so that ought to be fun. kind of. mum was saying it wouldn't be too hard if i thought of each ingredient as a separate object, with associated info. like, the ingredient object butter might have a size of "1/2 stick" and a fiber content of 0, or whatever...

spanish has, over the past two days, consisted of taking part of a practice ib exam, reviewing tests, writing journal entries, and talking about winter break. nothing too stressful. she still hasn't collected the homework yet, but hey, i'm not complaining. speaking of which, i might want to work on that a bit...

eighth has been exciting, of course. it's always fun to bug srav when she's trying to do homework.

ninth period i'm not even gonna talk about. monday was not any more fun than tuesday, but i didn't get much of a workout on monday. hmph.

other than that, the days have been rather unexciting. i have been put on a low sugar diet (i take back the sugar "free" i said earlier) and may become depressed as the week rolls on, but only time will tell...

Monday, January 06, 2003

gah! this sugar-free diet my daddy has put us on is gonna kill me!

ah, well. he has now expanded the diet and says i can put sugar in my oatmeal. wow.

Sunday, January 05, 2003

oh dear. apparently i have succumbed to the lord of the rings madness. my wallpaper, instead of the lovely kingdom hearts picture it once was, has been replaced by frodo. oh, well, i suppose i'll live...
i don't want to go back to school!
bwah. i saw lord of the rings: the two towers last night. err, rather, yesterday afternoon. but, really, it being a 3-hour movie, it kinda stretched from afternoon into evening. from 4 to 7, to be exact. well, not VERY exact... so, after the movie, mum talked about some of the things that were changed and she slips out about how the book ended. since the movie ended before the book did... so i had to find out what happened next. i finished two towers and am now reading the return of the king. a very good book, this is. uh... don't mind my strange, hobbit-ish grammar. it pops up occasionally. but, this really is a good book. i haven't had this much fun reading since... uh... since i was reading something i didn't have to read for school. that is, since i was reading a fiction book, of my own volition. but... that was quite a while ago... heh heh. beware shelob!!! oh, and sam and frodo are so cute... deh, now to read about pippin and gandalf, riding through gondor!

Saturday, January 04, 2003

i hate you blogger! die!
i'm going to make a list of the best mp3s i have on my computer. if i don't want to listen to a song, it gets taken off the list. and when i have all the best ones, i'm going to burn them to a cd, and i can listen to them in my mp3 player.

so far i have:

god makes the rain - cowboy mouth
could i be you - matchbox 20
wrap your arms around me - barenaked ladies
belle and sebastian - belle and sebastian
bent - matchbox 20
if you're feeling sinister - belle and sebastian
slip sliding away - paul simon
this is a low - blur
and i love her - the beatles

course, i'm expecting to have over 200 songs on this list before i'm done...

Friday, January 03, 2003

mwahaha. the extended version of lord of the rings is fun. and listening to the cast commentary is fun too. hehe, especially pippin - billy boyd i guess - with his funny accent. i love that accent!

elijah wood is my next celebrity pretty boy, in case anyone wants to know.

Thursday, January 02, 2003

did anyone notice that the date is 01-02-03?
current mp3: could i be you - matchbox 20

technically, it's not an mp3 yet. nikki gave me the new cd, and i'm listening to it now.

i still haven't finished we yet. i have a fear of doing my homework. i don't want to start working again. i've been doing nothing all vacation, and i guess i've created a kind of inertia.

Wednesday, January 01, 2003

eeeeeeeeee! i finished kingdom hearts! *dances around the room*
hmph. i'll get around to completing my vacation log. till then... christmas present list! hehehe!

from mum
mp3/cd player
tekken 4
wireless headphones
* green hoodie
* yellow pajamas
* purple sleeveless shirt
* velvety black pants
* velvety black skirt
* green stretchy camisole with flowers
* yellow ribbed long-sleeve shirt
* some other stuff, which i am returning, either cuz it's scratchy or doesn't fit
lilo and stitch
amelie (supposedly for my dad but actually for me)
glowing necklace thingy
digital watch

from grandma & grandpa
$150 in old navy gift certificates

from uncle scott
$20 bill
weird t-shirt (with anime charas on it)
happy new year!