Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Another late night... mwahaha. I now am the proud owner of two, yes, two! houses in Morrowind. One I stole from a dead guy, another I made meself! In the lovely editor. Hallelujah.

Nikki and Nathan came over and there was indeed much joy. Only, damn. Now I have to reburn my xbox soundtrack. C'est la vie. I'll deal.

On a different topic... It sounds like it went well, and I'm happy for them. Mostly happy for her, because, well, that makes more sense now doesn't it? I am glad, though, that she's doing this stuff with someone I know and like and trust reasonably well (as opposed to in the past) and know where he lives so I can go to his house and beat him up if he hurts her. :D

edit: [censored]

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

... yay! I got props from Baylee, I feel special. Course, I didn't see her post till now since normally I go to bed before 11:30... or do I? *ponders* Not tonight, anyway... though I THOUGHT I would.
I fully support Megann's choice of casting thus far in the IB rendition of Hamlet.

Tomorrow will be a day of fun and frolicking as Nikki, Nathan, and I proceed to blow each other to bits and then run into each other in dented automobiles. Perhaps we will even beat the crap out of each other using martial arts moves. And maybe even play... VOLLEYBALL! *cackles evilly* Ah, the joy of the xbox. Only, I have many more games for my ps2. Worship the playstation!

In related news, there are now 118 or so songs on my xbox. Hooray. I have burned my new evanescence and linkin park cds onto it. And most of the old stuff remains... Blur, Good Charlotte, Cowboy Mouth, Puffy Amiyumi, Garbage, Matchbox 20, Coldplay, Beatles, Belle and Sebastian, Gorillaz, Barenaked Ladies... Assorted crud that I've put on there. Hooray.

And now for something completely different... There's a bug crawling all over the keyboard and monitor and it's really getting annoying. It's one of those bugs you see in the grass all the time. I don't know what they're called. They're tiny.

My morrowind character is doing well, and my mommy has built herself a house. Hallelujah. Only, to make faces you need 3ds max, which costs, like, $3000 (no, that's not a typo), so my mom is kind of pissed off about that.

Rice crispies were made today, using rice crispy treat cereal. A bad decision. It turned a good cereal into a good rice crispie treat bar, rather than a mediocre cereal into a great rice crispie treat bar.

Monday, July 28, 2003

Right. Again, long time without updating. Meh. Too bad. My net connection / wireless card have been acting up, and I'm too lazy to post this much.

So. (Possibly) interesting news to share:

Rachel visited on Friday. We watched Monty Python (and the Holy Grail), played Careers (she won), walked the dog, and talked. It was fun. It's weird to see her. She's changed (obviously) but she's still short and odd. In a good way, of course... Her younger sister (Melissa) and David were in the same grade. I wonder they knew each other.

Morrowind is fun. I've started to play it. It's great that there're mods for the game. The original head models are frickin UGLY, but you can download a set of good-looking ones. Hooray! My character is beautiful and so are the NPCs.

I am very proud of the desktop on my computer. I made it meself, in POV-ray. POV-ray is awesome. I like not having to deal with visual editors. It's all text, baby. And it makes some very pretty pictures.

On Sunday, I drove up to Flatirons. Yeesh. 2 hours of driving time right there. But it was fun to go up there and shop with my dad. At Sam Goody I bought linkin park (Hybrid theory! Yes! I've wanted it for so long!) and the first four episodes of evangelion on dvd, which I have yet to watch. Then in suncoast I looked at mangas but ended up only buying a mint tin. (Itchy and Scratchy - now to put in some shaped mints.) Then we ate at cinnabon. Then I drove home, though I freaked my dad out because a couple times I started drifting out of my lane on the middle of I-70.

Thursday, July 24, 2003

Ah well.

Before I forget: The highlight of my day was going to Borders... where I, standing happily in the music section listening to some crappy album, spotted Anthony, Chris, and Ian. Lo! And what's better, I doubt any of them recognized me. MWAHAHA! So, it was quite exciting to spy on those three and snicker quietly. Don't ask about the snickering, I'm not quite sure why myself. But if Anthony posts something tonight about freaky people in bookstores who won't quit staring... you know whose fault it is. *laughs evilly* BWAHAHA!

In other, similarly exciting news, I have purchased two cds: Yellow Submarine (my collection is complete! MUAHAHA!) and Fallen. Hooray. I plan to listen to them both into the wee hours of the morning, then wake up around 3 am or so and go, "What the hell? Why are these still playing?"
I hate it when I can tell someone's unhappy, but I don't know why or how to make it better... Oh well.

I hope Nikki has fun on her trip. Have fun, Nikki!

I'm tired.

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Ok, ok, so I was a little harsh. Even a single person (!) can make me feel happy enough that I can put up with the shit from the others. And even if I don't know you that well, just the fact that you read my blog and comment and care, even a little bit, is enough to make me happy... thank you! To my best friend: you can be annoying (yes, I'm serious...) but that doesn't mean you aren't fun to be around... most of the time. To the people who want to piss me off: I don't give a rat's ass. There are other people out there who make me feel good about myself.

In conclusion: those who care, I love you! Those who don't, fuck you too. :)
Don't you just love it when your friends make fun of you for each other's amusement? I started off mad at her, because she was more fun for him to talk to, but it's his damn fault, so I'm not mad at her. It works. It just sucks, and the few people I want to be around either don't like me that much, or are obsessed with other things, or can't stand being around me so much, or are away. Especially him... but I won't see him now will I? I just hope he's happy right now. And I wish one of my friends would be less of an ass, and I wish I would stop expecting him not to be, and I wish another one of my friends would quit ragging on me just for entertainment value, and I wish I would stop being so damn sensitive, and I wish the other one would be around, and I wish I would be happier for him regardless.

To all those not involved: you're cool, don't worry about it. If I knew you better I'd be bugging you right now about my problems, so be thankful.
virtual rubik's cube!

Providing hours of entertainment! (for nerds, that is) :D

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Ugh. I have this "yo-yo" song stuck in my head. It goes, "yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo-yo-yo yo." duh. duh. duh, duh-duh, duh, duh. Um... nevermind.

Hmph... I was working on a website layout (I like it, it involves a picture I took of a flower) and showing my mom this, and for some reason she started reading my blog... I always find it somewhat strange when my mom reads this. "Slacking off all summer, eh??"

Hooray for Megann, for deciphering some of my ambiguous statements. I like putting stuff in here that only I will understand, or only me and one or two other people... it's great fun. Also hooray for Megann for updating her own blog. *cheers* I like reading other peoples' blogs. Those of you who have blogs: update! Those of you who don't: make one! If you do so, I will be gleeful. ... glee is a fun word.

Hooray for web access, even if it is crappy. *applauds* Though I doubt precious time would be wasted on reading this... if so, I feel loved. If not, I won't die... probably... *clutches heart in agony* Haha. Just kidding.
|o o|   - arf!

Monday, July 21, 2003

Ch. Morons. By the way, my word of the day is "moron". So there.

Grand Am update: Nikki will probably buy it. Go ask her.

No cheese-head hat. Dad is back and starting to get back into the swing of things (aka, starting to develop an ulcer, getting mad at me, getting worried about mom).

I am bored, worried, tired, and surrounded by unpleasantness at the moment. Though I'm sure it's nothing compared to my friends' many dilemmas.

Good night, if I can fall asleep during the yelling about to occur. *runs away from parental units*

Sunday, July 20, 2003

Daddy's back!

Saturday, July 19, 2003

Again, it's sad that I've started to miss him and he hasn't even been gone a whole day. But I seem to be one of not-so-many who actually knows he's gone. He's not here, people! He's in California! But will he have net access? *ponders*

My net connection revived itself only to die again. Stupid flaky wireless card. Now I'm back on my mum's computer.

No Nikki, as she had an "incident". Aaargh. But Tuesday we will hang out. And she seems to have been looking at cars. "I want the Grand Am!" But will she get it? Tune in next time...

Dad gets back late on Sunday. He has a show tonight. Hopefully he'll do well. Maybe he'll bring back a cheese-head hat.

I made chocolate cupcakes, and more cream cheese frosting. Odd that I'm baking so much lately... Probably just another way to put off doing schoolwork. Hmmm.

Friday, July 18, 2003

Apparently, mum had a boyfriend who looked like Orlando Bloom, but she dumped him because he was a dweeb. I'm so jealous.

Nikki is about 20 minutes away. So she'll be arriving at - *looks at clock* - 7:45 am?! What the heck is up with this computer?

Meh. I miss my computer. Stupid worthless wireless card has caused me to use mum's spare computer instead (she has 3 desktops and a laptop... think I could borrow one, Mom?) and therefore I can't work on my website layouts or download paintshop tubes or upload images or archive blog entries... It's terrible! I'm gonna cry.

Oooh, and apparently there's no D&D for 3 weeks, not 2, since on august 3 I get to go to a family reunion in Detroit. Hmph.

Man, I really need to start working on school stuff. I've been slacking all summer and it's going to bite me in the butt later on.

Thursday, July 17, 2003


Blur is having a concert today in New York. I'm so jealous! However, my despair will be assuaged by the two tv programmes I will be taping which feature Blur. Conan O'Brien and Carson Daly. All hail the telly! Except I wish they would play the Crazy Beat video on MTV sometimes, but no, they have to play nothing but r&b, with the occasional weird alternative thrown in. Like the white stripes. Or junior senior, talk about odd. Although I did like that squirrel who blew up stuff.

I forgot to give him back his change. *looks* Why is there only 16 cents in change? There should be 26. I think I got cheated out of a dime for that vanilla coke.

Damn, I want to go to Hawaii. Oh well, I consider Italy an adequate substitute.

It's bad to argue while you're driving, you end up in the wrong turn lane. Don't think and drive! ... Ha. Ha.

Friday (that's tomorrow... psychedelic, man) I get to see the new MANDY MOORE movie. Oh, the joy. I just hope it's better than the other movies I've seen with a certain person. Hey Arnold scarred me. *shudders*

Well, I've just finished the first disc in FF7 (again) and Cloud's up to level... 60. Hmmm. Overlevel some? Eh, I just want to get to breeding chocobos. Gimme my gold chocobo, dammit!

I need to practice sniper rifling in Halo, but I have no one to shoot down. Damn. Maybe tomorrow. Even if I have to ride in those god-awful VEHICLES again.

Brownie report: brownies made and consumed. Cream cheese frosting kept secret in refrigerator. Yet to be consumed.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

*jumps up and down*

Ima make brownies tomorrow morning. Mmm, brownies.

Driving is stressful. Red Lobster is yummy. Mom is cranky. I am too. Eating poptarts for lunch and mints for breakfast is not a great idea. Final Fantasy 7 is awesome. Its graphics suck, though.

Sleep is good...

Monday, July 14, 2003

Auuuuuuuugh! I'm a fucking moron. Nobody ever calls my stupid phone and leaves a message on the answering machine! Grrr...

In other news, ... I'm a moron.

Damn, I was going to say something, but now all is forgotten in a wave of shock at my incapacity to check my answering machine.

*bonks self on head repeatedly* Ow! Ow!

Sunday, July 13, 2003


It's been a while. I apologize.

My stupid internet card is acting up again. Currently it refuses to join the network because it is not "secure". Before this it had a poor connection despite a prime location on the doorknob of my office... and because of said crappy connection, I could not even download my mail inbox at yahoo. Thus, I have been separated from my beloved internet for many a day... sniff. *huggy*

So, Monday and Tuesday was the ever exciting going-over-to-Eric's-to-play-D&D-but-not-actually-playing. Nick, having moved and not left a phone number or address... is unavailable. Every one else we could think of either didn't have a phone number or wasn't there or would have laughed and pointed. On Wednesday we finally gave up and Eric made another character, so we played.

On Thursday I loafed around the house. Played Kingdom Hearts, I believe, and leveled my character from level 77 to level 88. Hooray. And he now has the ultimate weapon. It's not like it really matters; I already know I can beat the game...

On Friday, my father left for his vacation in Wisconsin. About half an hour later, me and my mom headed to Nathan's apartment. We wandered about in his neighborhood for 15 minutes before giving up and calling him to tell him to come outside. Why the hell does he have to live in such a confusing location? Ah, well, I expect it's temporary. After picking him up... we get a call on the way to Nikki's from my daddy.

He says... "Can I talk to Mom?" (he sounds grumpy.) Me: "Um... she's driving right now." Dad: "What are you DOING?" (shock and dismay.) Me: "We're going over to Nikki's." Dad: "Oh.... right." (sounds depressed.) Mom: "Did he miss his plane?" (to me; dad can't hear.) Me: "What's up?" Dad: "I missed my plane." Me: "You missed your plane?" Mom: (sighs.)

So, in suspense, I left with Nathan, and mom left with my cell phone. Anyways, Nathan pulls an x-box out of his pocket (ok, his backpack) and we play Halo (aaargh, not again) where I got 3 kills! Wow! And Nikki got none. And Nathan got 8. Aargh... so then we switched to capture the flag, and since Nikki couldn't kill Nathan she shot me to death. Dammit. So I killed her too. HAH! Take that, you backstabber!!!

Eh, well, we also played Gotham, where Nathan seemed to enjoy crashing into me to give Nikki a head start... Anyways, after sitting through some rockies video (what the heck?) We drove Nathan home, and then Nikki came over to my house. Me, mom, and Nikki went out to Chevy's (yum... we all got different quesadillas) and then watched Pirates of the Caribbean! Yo ho, yo ho. Orlando Bloom is cute... and Johnny Depp was just awesome. Heh.

K, then yesterday, with no father to chastise us, me and mom played video games ALL BLOODY DAY. We worked on FF7... got from right after the first reactor (when you're in sector 7 for the first time) up to meeting aeris and going back to sector 7 (right before it goes plooey). Then we played DOAX some more, and got more swimsuits. Then played volleyball against each other wearing different team suits. Yep.

Anyways, today mom decided we shouldn't be so irresponsible (darn) and woke me up at 7. Then I walked the dog. Then we went on a walk. Then I took my shower. Then I rebaked my snickerdoodles (I too, made snickerdoodles. Half were pinwheels, all curly, and maybe a fourth were experimental. The other fourth remains in batter form in the freezer) since the experimental ones were underdone to the point of being raw inside. Ick. At about 1 we went out and I drove around (to Smoky, where I practiced, then back to Buckley, up to Iliff, over to Blackhawk, then to Sweet Tomatoes) and we ate lunch (at Sweet Tomatoes), and then I drove some more (to the Safeway at Hampden and Tower) and we grocery-shopped, and then I drove home.

So, that's everything up to now... I think. Eh, well, if I missed anything perhaps I'll write it down later.

Monday, July 07, 2003

More like noon than 9.

so i look in your direction but you pay me no attention, do you?
and i know you don't listen to me cuz you say you see straight through me, don't you?

but on and on from the moment i wake to the moment i sleep i'll be there by your side just you try and stop me.

I wanna hang out with Andrew sometime. Right, Andrew. Gotta get used to that. But anyways, maybe this week sometime.

I haven't even started on my EE yet. I'm screwed.

Some other things: Dog got her teeth cleaned, and three were removed because they were all rotten. Poor doggie. Dad is leaving on a trip to Chicago and Wisconsin this friday. He should have fun with that. I need to send the supervisor evaluation form to the CCAF since Lois didn't get a chance to fill it out while I was there. I also need to do the 2 labs I'm missing from last year... and Mr. Fox has lost my semester exam. So, no exam grade for me. Hmm... since I forgot to review the chapter on optics this may be a good thing, but since I usually do better on tests than homework it may not. The D in comp sci is still unresolved. I saw better fireworks on the day after independence day than on independence day itself. I'm getting sick of cold stone. I have an amazon wishlist, which I sent to my aunt since she didn't get me a birthday gift this year and was thinking she'd give it to me in august. On august 3 we're going to Detroit for a family reunion, my father's side. Uncle Scott's gone, so any "family reunion" on my mother's side would pretty much consist of going to visit my grandparents, which isn't much of a family reunion... My credit card is gone, probably because the phone calls in europe were charged to my card several weeks after they occured, causing visa and my parents to think my card number had been stolen and sold to illegal immigrants... And to Eric's disappointment, my halfling rogue WILL NOT BE LESBIAN. Sad, I know.

Sunday, July 06, 2003

*goes on a quest to eliminate odd spaces from the first line of her blog entries...*

9 am, eh?

My odd collection of languages:

come ti senti oggi?
¿cómo te sientes hoy?
o-genki desu ka? <-- ok, so that's just "are you healthy" but whatever

And after I'm fluent (ha!) in Japanese, I'm learning Russian (and Celtic, gotta know ma roots!), German, French, Arabic, Hindi, and maybe Chinese, if I feel like it. Possibly not.

La Playa

No sé si aún me recuerdas
nos conocimos al tiempo
tú, el mar y el cielo
y quien me trajo a ti.

Abrazaste mis abrazos,
vigilando aquel momento
aunque fuera el primero
y lo guardara para m�.

Si pudiera volver a nacer
te vería cada d�a amanecer
sonriendo como cada vez,
como aquella vez (Previo)

Te voy a escribir la canción más bonita del mundo.
Voy a capturar nuestra historia en tan sólo un segundo;
y un día verás que este loco de poco se olvida
por mucho que pasen los años de largo en su vida. (Estribillo)

El día de la despedida
de esta playa de mi vida
te hice una promesa:
volverte a ver así.

Más de 50 veranos
hace hoy que no nos vemos
ni tú, ni el mar ni el cielo
ni quién me trajo a ti.

Ay ay ay! How terrible. I haven't updated since thursday. *hangs head in shame*

Let's see. What's happened lately?

Mum's put herself on a diet since her cholesterol's really high, 266. That's bad. So we're gonna eat less fat. But I think she's wavering - she wanted McDonald's. Hmph.

I'm done with the Cherry Creek Arts Festival. Though I didn't really see anyone today (although I did see Prasanthi on a walk to quarter master's - I waved) on Saturday Srav and Eve came by and chatted for a while in the afternoon, and I saw everybody (Tiffany, Srav, Eve, Prasanthi [what's her nickname again? prissy?], Taylor) in the morning before we headed off to our stations. Art Auction was quite boring, all I did was sit in a director's chair all day and make sure the art didn't fall over. It didn't. Except once, in the section I couldn't see from my chair. So I moved to the other chair. Whee. How exciting. I actually kept falling asleep at one point during Saturday. I just kept closing my eyes, and my head drooped, and then I woke up because I started to fall over. Yeah, so I kept falling asleep for about 20 minutes before some lady gave me her fan...

On the fourth of July we ate hamburgers, watched Sinbad at arapahoe crossings, ate cold stone and regretted it because we were too full, and I attempted to watch fireworks from my parent's bedroom. They were tiny, illegal, and pitiful. *boos* I also drove on the freeway for the first time. We went onto E-470 (ok, so technically it's not a freeway... so what) and I went 70! Wheeee... That was stressful. Especially when my dad and I got into an argument. That was dumb.

Thursday, July 03, 2003

I should probably update more often. Eh... too bad.

My head itches.

I'm going to help set up at 4. That's 5 hours of quality community service. Hmph. If I can get that one person to sign my forms. I hate forms.

We saw Legally Blonde 2 yesterday, which was entertaining. Srav and sister saw it too... I saw them. I have PROOF!

I'm hungry. Perhaps I'll go have breakfast.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Two phone calls in a row! The phone rang about thirty seconds after I had hung up. Quite freaky.

Yesterday was Baylee's party. Twas quite entertaining. Hooray for pansy racing!

I drove an hour on Sunday, and 45 minutes today. I think it's not too bad. It's not that scary and I'm getting better at changing lanes.

I need to go make an appointment to get my wisdom teeth removed. Apparently 3 out of the 4 (or possibly all of them, the dentist and the dental hygenist said different things) are "locked" on my back teeth. Meaning that they can't move. Instead, they'll push my other teeth out of the way! Hooray! So, yeah, I'm going to get them removed. It'll be my first bad dental experience, since I've never had any cavities or had any teeth removed. I just get the "Have you been flossing?" lecture.

I'm completely sick of DOA:X. Meh. I hate all the characters, I'm bored of the swimsuits, I suck at volleyball, hopping hurts my fingers, and... yeah. But someday, I'll have a complete collection of all the swimsuits. All 300 or so of them! MWAHAHAHA! Even the ugly ones!!!