Monday, September 29, 2003

A Good Day

I liked Ivey's reaction to the chocolate. "Wow, THAT took a lot of thought... oh, wait... Oh! Thank you!" Ha ha ha. She'd forgotten about the lunch conversation. Yeah, but, today was not bad, especially for a 5-8 day. (I refuse to call them red and green days. Especially since I've forgotten which is which.) Talking to Greg in comp sci was really fun. Parsons helped me cut out part of my extended essay. (good bye locke! I won't miss you!) And one conversation is really great. It's all I need from him. It helped that I was in a good mood from talking to my other friends. And I talked to Vicky in comp sci, which was nice. I don't normally talk to people. Erm, that I don't know well. But I'm going to try to be more outgoing.

I saw Sara, and Alex and Chris, and Anthony and Paul, all at different times of the day, but still, I saw them. I waved to Sara, and she said hi. It's weird, because now there's a chance they'll recognize me. Before no one would even have noticed.

I got my second amazon order today. Something for my mom (Susan Tedeschi) and something for me, OK Computer. Yes, I am trying to expand my music collection, why do you ask? Just because I've bought three cds in the past week...

Now, off to my drawing homework.

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