Wednesday, January 12, 2005

at last

I didn't get to see who got hit 8888...

I'm tired. Very tired... I still need to do Japanese homework, and data structures homework, and gamelets homework.

It's 2:30 in the morning, and The Parent 'Hood is on our tv. Why?

Today Spencer finally figured it out. I came into the engineering center wearing a plaid flannel... He asked me why the hippie skirt, and then pointed out the flannel.

"Are you trying to be like Daniel, here?" he said, tugging on my sleeve.

"No... I'm not trying, this is Daniel's."

"Oh my god... Are you and Daniel... dating?" came his question, a horrified expression on his face.

I don't know. And apparently Jude only confirmed his suspicions yesterday...

The thing that bothered me was the way they both shuddered, when they thought about the concept of "us." Why is it a bad thing?

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