Monday, March 21, 2005


Here's a nifty little site I stumbled across: artpad. I drew a picture with it: here. I'd recommend you set it to the fastest setting. It's really nifty to be able to see these drawings in progress...

My drawing rather sucks, but eh. I'll get better. Maybe sometime I'll steal my mom's tablet and draw with that. Fun. And yes, I realize the proportions are all wrong... eh. The point is that the site is cool.

Okies, it's time to finally drag myself off to bed.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Saturday, March 19, 2005

finally, an update

current song: The Killers - Smile Like You Mean It

Over 10000 hits, and I didn't even know it...

I think Daddy got hit number 10000.

... That's a big number. I know it's been a while since I reset my counter (like, August of 2003ish). But it's still pretty amazing to me.

daniel: ...So, after working at the front lanes one time when they needed backup (you know me, I always respond to that sortof thing), I dropped by the jewlry boat and asked the girl there for a screw...
daniel: <thinks> I mean...

Eric: "You didn't take your pill today, did you."

I don't update much anymore... It feels like there are so many other things to do or think about. Of course, I'm still spending a lot of time net surfing and such. Useless...

Do you ever chew gum too long?

I'm not talking about chewing till all the flavor's gone and it's just that weird non-taste taste in your mouth. I'm talking about... chewing till it dissolves.

It only happened once before that my gum completely dissolved. I was chewing in the car with my dad and ... all of a sudden, I bit down and my gum turned to liquid. I wanted to spit it out so badly. It kind of killed the conversation. Which, as it turned out, was currently about how my dad didn't like it when I chewed gum.

But before it gets to the point of complete dissolution, it has this really weird texture. That's how my gum is right now. I think I'm going to spit it out.

I gotta figure out how to enter that engineer poetry contest. I might actually win something. Then again, engineers are crazy. There might be a bunch who write better poetry than I do.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

sooooooo happy!

I don't get it, I'm just really happy right now. It's quite nice.

<paws through her desk-mess> Ah, there's my smart card reader! Now I can send Sarah those concert pics. Well, pre and post.

I really am happy.

I took two ritalin this morning; I know they're not the cause of my happiness, but I think they might be working, a little.

It's nice to be up so early. I got to talk to Daniel before he left for work. It's a really nice way to start the day. I don't get to go to bed early that often but yesterday I fell asleep before eleven (got to bed by 10:30) and then when my alarm went off at seven, I hopped online, left a message for Daniel, started searching for my linear algebra stuff, and got a message back... It's a good system methinks.

So what else has been going on of late? I reported on the concert, that was quite fun.

So on Friday I told Amy that I didn't want to live with her over the summer... I don't know. I feel bad about it, but, my mom doesn't want me to live with her, and I can see her point. It might be nice to take a break from roommates for a year. Especially since I'm not rooming with Sarah next fall, but I'm still planning to live in Bear Creek. In a lot of ways it makes more sense for me to just take a lease from Bear Creek this summer. I don't have to worry about lease issues, I don't have to move twice, I don't have to worry about being stuck and paying for rent at bear creek next summer, even if I want to come home or study abroad. I don't have to worry about roommates, since my mom's been encouraging me to get a single (though she is worried I'll get lonely). And I don't have to worry about utilities or internet, and I don't have to worry about distance from campus, since I already know how far it is, and I know the area reasonably well.

I just feel bad. Amy's my friend, and... Oh crap, she called me yesterday. Dammit! I forgot. Crap crap crap!

Erm... yes... I shall call her back... erm, today.

D'oh, I hate being a moron. It has disadvantages. I know, I know, everyone thinks, "Being a moron? That sounds great!" But believe me, it has its downside.

Well, ah, ok, so. She sounded reasonably happy on the voicemail she left me. That's a good thing.

So, yeah.

What else?

So on Friday I went to dinner with Daniel and then to part of Anime, before I decided he was way too tired and needed sleep. He'd been up since 2 in the morning, after all...

And on Saturday I... errr... Oh, yes, I chatted online (err, I think), then lolled about, watching whatever the heck was on the tv (some movie, don't remember now), then went home. Home was good. It made me happy.

So I've decided that I don't want to drive to Grand Junction (a bit stressful for a baby driver... that's right, I'm a baby) but I'll bring the car up probably next weekend. Mom thinks she'll come up to Boulder on Friday and let me drive home, since I've never done it before. Driven to Boulder, yes, driven to Aurora, no.

Oh, dangit, where'd I put my parking permit again?

And I played WoW with mommy a bit.

I've been really moody lately, though. It's... disheartening. I don't know if it's hormones, brain disfunction (borderline manic depression? nah. maybe? nah), some weird thing, external stuff (though, what?), or... uh... yeah. Where was I going with this? Is the ritalin wearing off already?

Speaking of which, I have homework to do.

(24 minutes! 24 minutes, wasted on a blog entry! Shame!)

(Make that 25.)

Friday, March 04, 2005

every day turns out to be a little bit more

current song: Modest Mouse - Bukowski

So I think I may triple major after all.

The Modest Mouse concert last night was really fun. It definitely lived up to my expectations, though I'm guessing that the only reason it did was because it was "the best concert EVER". It was pretty fun... And managing to navigate / jump my way to the front during the encore was fantastic. I could finally see Isaac, and I just stood there in awe looking at him singing while people jumped at me. Man, that was fun. I should have done it sooner; if I ever go to another concert maybe I will.

There were too many people, and it was way too loud, and I couldn't take in my digital camera, and I was rushed eating my food, and we were accosted by hobos, and my shirt cost too much and I think even though I made it one size bigger it's still too small (should have gone for adult medium), and there were people smoking weed really close by and it smelled bad and irritated my nose, and my feet hurt after two hours of standing, and it was absolutely fantastic.

It's nice to be around people who love the music you do, who sing the lyrics as loud as they can and don't look at strangely when you do too. It's nice to be there in person and watch someone making that sound come out. It's nice to be with your friends and enjoying something with them. It's nice to lose yourself in something, to no longer be an individual. Maybe you are something; but that doesn't matter; it doesn't matter what you are, what matters is everything else.

And the encore song was Blame it on the Tetons. I don't even know if they played another song after that. I have a vague feeling they did. I don't even remember. It was just music and jumping and trying to get closer to the source of the music. And staring at Isaac in awe. It was just great.

And I thought, "I'd be so happy if they just played The View, and Ocean Breathes Salty." And then they played "The World at Large" and I remembered how much I love that song too. And then they played "Ocean Breathes Salty". And every time I remembered a song I really wanted to hear, they played it.

Maybe I can get an autograph sometime. Maybe I'll buy Lonesome Crowded West. It's been on my wishlist for a while now...

So today I went in to have an appointment with my math advisor. Beforehands, since I wanted to be prepared, I made a little website to help me along. For kicks, I've posted it on my ucsu page: here. Of course, total overkill. I got in there, she knew my name and had of course looked at my credits, my planned majors, etc. So... yeah.

So I told her that I was planning on studying abroad my junior year. The program I was looking at lasts a full academic year, and involves classes taught in Japanese, and apparently offers a limited number of CompSci courses. So she said that would be the time for me to complete the arts & sciences core. But, she also said that if I did that I would probably end up only being a few classes away from getting a Japanese major... So... I might be triple majoring. Cam offered to provide me with firearms and ammunition. I don't think it will really be that bad, though... will it?

It makes me wonder... am I really capable of pulling this off? I haven't even been keeping up with my classes lately... I've been slacking on Japanese in particular, and I just feel so... helpless, in a lot of ways. I'm mad at myself for not doing it, but I can't get myself to act differently.

Am I just forgetting what I truly want, or am I just not capable of doing what I need to do?

Am I taking on too much, or am I trying to add on enough to make myself motivated again?

Regardless... I am happy. Because I got a free t-shirt. Got Math?