Friday, February 28, 2003

Ok, here's an odd thought. The amount of times people view my blog is inversely proportional to the amount they realize I care about them. Yeah, see if you can figure THAT one out. HA! Um, or not.

Another puzzler, but one I found gleefully entertaining: The Mind Reader .... Especially since it proves I'm more observant than my daddy. MWAHAHAHA.

Wow, I think this whole weekend thing has put me in a good mood. No school tomorrow, good mood. Could there be a correlation??
Bwah. I'm still somewhat ill. I do seem to be recovering, however. The cold is almost entirely gone. All that remains is the stuffy nose. And I've been coughing slightly violently for the past few days. It's not all that bad, but it's getting to remind me of the really bad cough I had a couple summers ago. I would cough violently, and it would irritate my throat so much that I'd cough again... So I'd start coughing and it'd keep gettting worse. It went on for at least three months. Not so fun. This doesn't seem too bad though.

I did some homework last night, which was something of a relief. I read about 80 pages in A Farewell to Arms and I typed up the t.o.k. essay that was a day late. And I found some of my computer science assignments, and some other work I did, so it's not quite as bad as it could be. Still, I'll have a lot to do this weekend.

Since I'm testing out of spanish this year, I get to do the IB oral section of the test next week. Our whole class does. But, I get to do mine on Monday. I'm doing it on "suicide and how it affects the family." Quite an uplifting topic if I do say so myself. But, there are a couple problems with it. One: researching it will not only be emotionally disturbing, but will be rather difficult, as there aren't so many useless statistics about how suicide affects the families of the victims. Mostly there are just facts that x number of people commit suicide each year, valentine's day is the most popular day for suicide, such-and-such place has the highest suicide rate. Two: talking about it will be emotionally disturbing. It's hard enough for me to talk about something in English. Much less "suicide". And doing it in Spanish is going to be hell. Ah, well, at least I'll have a more profound topic than "cookies." Mmm, cookies...

I may or may not continue with this odd streak of capitalization. Makes me feel artificially smarter. But is that good or bad? If I think I'm smarter than I really am, I'm MORE likely to do something stupid. Like, for example, jumping off a cliff. Or sticking my finger into the electrical socket.

Thursday, February 27, 2003

I keep forgetting what I'm going to say. A recurring theme in my life, you might say. I have so many thoughts floating around in the void yet it's impossible to keep a hold on any one of them.

Well, some things.... Too much death, suicide, depression. It makes one sad. There was a moment of silence for Sheldon (if that's how you spell his name) but they never mentioned that he killed himself. I was telling Ali how my spanish oral was going to be on suicide, and she mentioned that. Ryan knew him from lacrosse apparently. But, two other kids have committed suicide, as well, and it makes you worry sometimes.

Mr. Rogers died today as well. With him dies a little piece of my childhood. A lot of childhoods, really.

I did some homework today, but it's hard to find the motivation to. That's what I need, motivation. Kind of hard to find though, is the problem. For a while now I've been utterly lacking of the stuff. I don't know why, precisely. Maybe if I just start trying again it'll come back naturally. Like, you can't obtain knowledge unless you know something, you can't get less shy without making friends, you can't get happy unless you are happy. A catch-22, but not quite, because you just need a little push to start it. The little push, however, is really hard to do.
Attempting capitalization may be good for me. Don't want to start lapsing on my english homework.
rest in peace, mr. rogers.

Wednesday, February 26, 2003


still sick. still stinks.

grr, i don't like getting sick. oh, well, at least i got to take a day off and get plenty of rest. some of my friends don't even take days off when they're sick. or they stay home just to do homework. well, i do that too, but at least i get naps.

nikki, apparently, is sick too. poor nikki. everyone's getting sick lately. aargh.

well, besides the sickliness, the most consuming thing currently is the state of grades. they seem to be croaking and dying. writhing on the floor in agony... you get the picture.

well, i figure, this is the stuff i can try to turn in to revive my dying grades:
  1. lit - nothing. i've actually turned in stuff in that class.
  2. science - urk, my worst class (i hope), i have a D here. i really need to turn in that lens lab.
  3. history - this ain't so bad. a B, apparently, but that's because i forgot to turn in section a. hopefully, once he grades that, it can be one of the lone A's.
  4. tok - what?? we have grades in this class? no, i don't think so.
  5. calc - perhaps turning in those 7 chapter 8 homework assignments would help.
  6. comp sci - i actually have a C in this class. aaargh! it's all class work though. and the teacher says that if i give her my missing stuff tomorrow, she'll try to have them graded by friday.
  7. spanish - i seem to be missing "aborto". i think i did part of it... she said i could try giving it to her tomorrow.

Monday, February 24, 2003

urk. i'm sick. this stinks.

Sunday, February 23, 2003

current song: englishman in new york - sting

various things of interest have been happening. for one, on thursday and friday parsons has been really mean. there has been speculation that he's in trouble for being behind, so now he's making us work hard to catch up. grrr. but, also, i sat with katsnelson and eric (and nathan) in lit on thursday and friday. odd yet interesting. furthermore, on thursday after school mom and i went to gamestop to pick up dark cloud 2. and we ended up buying quite a lot of other stuff as well.

what we bought at gamestop on thursday:
* a gamecube
* a gamecube memory card
* 2 gamecube wireless controllers
* a reserved copy of zenosaga
* a reserved copy of zelda
* zelda: ocarina of time
* metroid prime
* mystic heroes
* an action figure of yuna
* a yuyu hakushou dvd (rescue yukina)
* dark cloud 2
* dark cloud 2 strategy guide
* a 10-issue subscription to game informer magazine

gah. so much stuff...

on top of that, on friday love hina arrived in the mail. i had poked my daddy into buying me the series on dvd. aharon was talking about how you could buy the whole series in a 3-disc set for $33 on the net. so i went online and my daddy found the same thing for $29 or something. $10 shipping charge though, so it ended up being $40... still, very cool. so i've been watching that as well.

at first, mum hated dark cloud 2, because she couldn't figure out how to go through the dungeons a second time (hooray for mindless levelling!) and there were a BUNCH of cut-scenes. boring... but she's getting into it now, and she's been levelling up the weapons majorly. and we've gotten to the fishing, and we're about to get to georama. wheee!

well, today is nikki's birthday. happy birthday, nikki! anyways, i hope she has fun. i don't know when i'll get to give her her presents, though. and i haven't talked to her in a while... eheheh. i really need to call her. hopefully later tonight.

one last thing. yesterday, in my quest for a driver's license (so far it hasn't been very successful, though) i drove with my dad for an hour. but, amazingly enough, i actually drove on streets. with other cars... erm, that is, i didn't just wander around parking lots and/or deserted neighborhoods. i went on arapahoe, parker, and orchard, i think. very stressful. but, i guess it was ok. after all, i didn't kill anyone. or run into anything. hooray! also, in the course of my wanderings i saw the new high school, i think. at least there was a sign up. course, there was a more permanent looking sign on another side of the building saying "liberty middle school". my dad goes, "that can't be a high school, let alone a high school and a middle school! it's not any bigger than horizon!" hallelujah. i will laugh if the new high school is smaller than horizon.

Friday, February 21, 2003

much of interest to recount. i shall post it later... i'm going to bed. so that the parental units, or rather, parental unit, doesn't yell at me. and also to get sleep, because sleep is good.

Thursday, February 20, 2003

dark cloud 2...

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

current song: love island - fatboy slim

back to my uncle's cds. he seems to have been a fan of techno...

school has been rather uneventful... sara and yuri had a small war in tok on tuesday. that was really the highlight of the week thus far. eh, but on tuesday i stayed after for the whole "Junior Conference" thing with your counselor. basically, she wrote down some stuff, i told her i was planning on going to cu boulder, she said i was set. didn't really need to do anything. then she looks at my psats and yells at me for having a 3.5. "Jessi! You need to work harder!" ugh. so, my counselor thinks my 3.5 is just fine and dandy until she looks at my standardized test results and declares me "smart". i hate that. just because i do well on a multiple choice test does not mean it's easy for me to get a 4.0. i'm having a hard enough time as it is getting my 3.5. grrr... gah, but, today i stayed after for japanese club. basically, i wandered around during 8th period, bored. and then ninth i walked out with claire, then went in, found out i couldn't find either baylee or srav, gave up and went up to the library. where i found corey, hooray. so i gave him 8 pieces of paper. since he needed them to do his math hw packet. turns out he has kettunen. how cool. in a horrible, horrible way. so he, too, shall be tortured by ap calculus during his junior year. unless he's smart and takes a year off... ah, well. and chaffin shows up near the end of ninth, and i think, shouldn't you be at home? why the heck would you want to be at school within 2 hours of getting off of a plane? apparently he was getting his homework. ah, the joys of ib.

i've gotten somewhat addicted to the logic game on my old phone. since i can actually figure it out, whereas in the past i never could. so, i've been playing that at the end of eighth period when i'm bored. i was playing it during ninth today as well, not necessarily a good thing. corey, being preoccupied with his 8 math assignments, was not as entertaining as would be hoped. ah, well, hooray for cell phone games!
yay, the mun people are back!

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

i've been kind of depressed lately, but i think i'm getting back to normal, whatever that is. i still get depressed but always in between bouts of insane hyperness. hallelujah.

Monday, February 17, 2003

current song: home - dishwalla

it makes me sad that i'm no one's support. i mean, when you think about it, no one comes to me when they feel bad. i go to other people, but nobody ever goes to me. occasionally, my mom will. that's about it. i think nikki used to go to me sometimes, but not really anymore. have i really drifted away from people that much? i always have to talk to other people, and they don't really ever talk to me. maybe i'm hallucinating. maybe nobody thinks of me when they want to talk. but any way you look at it, i don't really feel like other people want to talk to me. kind of lonely to feel that way. but, i know that people like talking to me; people seem to enjoy conversing with me when i talk to them, for the most part. but... they don't want to talk to me anymore than they want to talk to other people.

maybe i'm expecting too much. best not to think about it, anyways. just another thing to get depressed about.

Sunday, February 16, 2003

i just finished watching amelie (again) with my parents. i love that movie... i need to get me a nino.

how sad, the mun people will probably not be back until thursday...

i went out on the deck earlier today and used the bubble-machine i got from my parents for valentine's day. it worked ok. a lot of the bubbles ended up forming a clump on the gun, though. i'm going to have to find a wand to blow bubbles with...

Saturday, February 15, 2003

gah. i slept 16 hours last night. from 5 pm to 9 am. what the?

but, today mum and dad reorganized the house some. my room's been moved around, the bookshelves, couch, some other furniture has been moved around. we went shopping today and bought food and cables for the tv. and we have this box that switches between the dvd player and the tivo, so we'll use less remotes. not really, but... eh. we watched my big fat greek wedding and it was very cool. 5 minutes into the movie, tula's cousins walk in and i go, "dude! it's joey!" you know, from nsync. sad that i recognized him, but oh well. but, that movie was quite entertaining, and very sweet.

three day weekend!

other than that, nothing much of interest. i'm off to bed, again. hopefully i won't sleep for 16 hours this time.

Friday, February 14, 2003

current song: candleburn - dishwalla

well, happy valentine's day. today was better than i thought it would be. i got a bunch of stuff from my parents - a bubble-gun (yay!), a fake-flower covered candy box, a singing bongo-playing gorilla (gah, so tacky), a spongebob toilet seat cover (!), and a box of celebrations little mini candy bars. most of the presents were my dad's idea... then when i got to school, i got candy from baylee, kymberlee, and srav. so overall twasn't too horrible, and i felt sufficiently loved. i haven't yet decided whether or not it was worse with my crush gone. gah, i still miss him though. oh, well, he'll probably be back by tuesday.

i took too long on the science test, so i finished it up during eighth and hopefully that will improve my grade. i still hadn't figured out about half of the test, so i probably would have gotten an f otherwise... not so great... in math we took a sort of test, in pairs. but of course, just my luck, there were an odd number of people in the class, and i had no partner. aargh. so, the sub let me work with alexis and chris. much better. that was actually kind of fun. well, as fun as a calculus test can ever be. and tok was exceptionally boring. today, sara was the person who talked the most. since eric and chaffin were both missing. gah. but, comp sci has been entertaining. we haven't been doing much in that class lately. mostly i just talk to eddie and dan and nick and danika and cagri and jason... oh, and now i know who nathan is, the one from he's also in my computer class...

after i finished the science test, i was thinking of hanging out in the library, hopefully with baylee... but she had to go pick up a book. so i talked to claire some, then gibran came up (how cute!), so i called mum to come get me, then wandered up to the library. and who should i find but cory? (aargh, i really need to learn how to spell his name.) uh... right. but, yeah, i wandered around with him for about 15 minutes, which was exceptionally entertaining. and as i was going outside to join my mum (cory came with me to see if there was anyone outside he could talk to) and we met baylee, as she was coming back to school. fun. so i talked with them a while. um... in summary, the ending of school was pretty fun.

Thursday, February 13, 2003

current song: a rush of blood to the head - coldplay

god, i am such a loser. i don't see my crush for one day and i get all depressed. seriously, though, i miss him. it's really sad.

today was somewhat boring. the model un people are gone. i guess it doesn't really affect me as much as it does some of my friends, since the only people i see regularly are chaffin and megann. in lit we rewatched the opening sequence to gattaca. i love this part. actually, i think i'm really going to enjoy taking film and language next year. ryan was complaining about it since he says it ruins the movie for him, but i think it's really cool. i mean, the first time you watch something (or read something) you should just enjoy it, but it can be really fun to look for all the hidden meaning in it the second or third time around. anyways... in science we went through the practice test and there're still a couple problems that completely confuse me. generally not a good thing the day before the test. oh, well. in history, i think the research for my paper is going reasonably well. i have two sources copied so far, so i can peruse them at my leisure. and i can probably use palmer and colton, and look up 4 internet sources, and diana pointed out another source in this one book. i'm putting diana on my mental "quiet, but seems really sweet" list. they could all be harboring secret resentment columbine-style, or be serial killers, but somehow i doubt it. they just seem shy. so far the list contains jason l., katsnelson, and diana. i don't remember if there's anybody else right now. but, i want to talk to them more, since they all seem like cool people. right. tok was boring, we watched a movie on the development of perspective in art. there were about five minutes of info about the actual perspective stuff... in math, we passed around a sheet asking which of us (juniors and sophomores) would want to take calc 3 next year. aargh. i don't really need another class, but it seems like such a waste to just take another year of calc 1, basically, and not do anything else. so i signed my name. there were about 20 people on there, i think. i don't know, i might drop japanese anyway, since i don't think i'm going to really hit it off with the teacher, and half of the stuff will just be busy work since i already know it. i talked about my dossier with the comp sci teacher during 6th. i think i have a pretty good idea of what i'm going to do. a nutrition information calculating program. and in spanish, we just graded ap, and talked about el aborto (abortion) a little. nothing too exciting...

after school, me and mum went to borders. i bought two new cds, a rush of blood to the head, which i am listening to now, and opaline by dishwalla. both of which are awesome, and i should have bought them long ago. oh, well, i'll just have to make up for lost time by listening to them a bunch.
the scientist - coldplay

come up to meet you, tell you i'm sorry
you don't know how lovely you are
i had to find you, tell you i need you
tell you i set you apart
tell me your secrets and ask me your questions
oh let's go back to the start
running in circles, coming up tails
heads on a silence apart

nobody said it was easy
it's such a shame for us to part
nobody said it was easy
no one ever said it would be this hard
oh, take me back to the start

i was just guessing at numbers and figures
pulling your puzzles apart
questions of science, science and progress
do not speak as loud as my heart
come tell me you love me, come back and haunt me
oh, and i rush to the start
running in circles, chasing tails
coming back as we are

nobody said it was easy
oh, it's such a shame for us to part
nobody said it was easy
no one ever said it would be so hard
i'm going back to the start


Wednesday, February 12, 2003

today was a good day, although kind of uneventful. gattaca, i've decided, is a very good movie. unlike baylee, i really liked the end. i thought it was cool. and i kind of expected it to happen, that is, what eugene did at the end. oddly enough. normally i don't see these things ahead of time. i'm completely clueless. but, yeah, so that was fun.

but, strange thing, tok was fun today! it was really great, we read an article by this one guy... uh, yeah. but, i completely agree with him. it was fun to comment on the article, and i talked a whole bunch. but, it was kind of funny, there are five people in that class who talk, yuri, chaffin, eric (not that much though), dylan (even less), and me, occasionally. it's great, everybody else just looks around. kymberlee and allie discuss the avs.

after school, i started writing my world lit paper abstract in parsons' mobile. lovely. so, that was ok. and oddly enough, we talked for a while. it's weird to talk to my teachers... i dunno, he seems very random. like me... but, then i wandered around, and ran into nathan. talked to nathan for a while. went up to the japanese club meeting and proceeded to be somewhat entertained. then... ryan drove me home. and i watched some tv.
dude! is my saying of the day.

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

current song: lovesong - the cure

urk. valentine's day is coming up. this day always depresses me. there's always someone i'd like to be spending the day with, but i never do, of course. it's odd, though, to think that it's the same person this year as last year. of course, i don't really remember valentine's day last year all that well. i think talia got some huge stuffed animal from foy, or something, and then they broke up the day after valentine's... eh. who knows. still, it kind of sucks to spend valentine's day alone. the day is a celebration of romantic crud, so if you don't have a boyfriend it's just another day to watch the pda, happy couples, and candy being passed around. ick.

enough of my bitterness. today cleaning people came to our house and... cleaned. mum has decided she wants a maid service so that our house isn't quite so disgusting. but, it's kind of amazing, what they did. they worked for 6 hours. yeesh. there were 3 of them, too. now my bathtub/shower is spotless! i'm so happy. no more icky, strange yellow and pink splotches. hooray!! the shower's white, for the first time since we bought the house!

after school was rather interesting today. the spanish teacher had previously given us a lecture saying "habilidades" isn't a word. but, i saw it in our a.p. exercises we were doing today (again). so i show her, and she goes, "yeah, i saw it too, and i looked it up in the dictionary. when you look up "ability" the word it gives is capacidad, but habilidad IS in the dictionary as well..." so ha!! but, yeah... that was exciting. so, i talked to chaffin some, interesting, then called my mum to find out about the going home situation. since mum couldn't leave the house to pick me up until the cleaners were gone. so i find out they're not done. i go to the library, see no one, so i think i'll go to parsons' mobile and schedule a meeting for wednesday. oh joy. but it'll be good, i'll be doing my abstract. otherwise it probably wouldn't be getting done. and i wrote "peace" on the whiteboard in japanese/chinese. lovely. i'll see if it's still there tomorrow morning. then, i wandered off, and called nikki to see how she's been doing. fun. then, on the way to my locker, i saw zackis. heh. so we said hi. i'm kind of happy that he remembers me, and all. so, then, locker, nothing too exciting. then up to the library to wait for the 8th period tok kids. erm, that is, baylee and srav. who arrived presently. so i hung out with them, wandered around as they made various trips to classrooms and offices. lovely. so, that was fun. and after ninth, i talked to joe for a while. and saw chris playing lacrosse in the parking lot. i go, "hey, it's chris!" and joe asks me if i like him. umm... no. but still cool.

so then mum picks me up. we go to target. we buy stuff. wheeee! then we go home and walk the dog, and then back out again to office depot and dinner at chili's. aargh. and we didn't get back till 9.... i really need to have more productive afternoons. i'm getting no homework done whatsoever.

oh, and, the amc math test thingy happened today. gah. i totally sucked on that. i left over half of it blank, i think, and the rest... i THINK i got them right, but i'm not quite sure. oh, well, not like it counts for anything. and at least i didn't have to do a report on a mathematician, like matt does, since he didn't sign up to take the test.

Monday, February 10, 2003

current song: why can't i be you? - the cure

well, this was an eventful day. kind of. we've been watching gattaca in lit, and i'm really liking it so far. baylee rented it though, and she says she hates the ending. ah, well. but, yeah, apparently i have the eagles cd in the imagine cd case, so i'll have to swap with nathan next time i see him. it's cool though. i'm just glad someone else likes the beatles. i let him - well, really, forced him to - borrow sgt. pepper's.

in science we went through the syllabus. tomorrow i'm taking the amc test, so i won't be going to physics or history. guess i won't be able to turn in the homework, or that lab. SUCH a shame. yeah, and in history we did an essay, which i think i did okay on. i wrote 3 and a half pages, which is pretty good for me. then in tok we did another essay, on truth. so i had a lot of fun with that. it's really awesome to yammer about your beliefs. kind of what i do on here. so, i basically said i thought there were two types of truth. a concrete and absolute truth, independent of human perception. and an abstract and relative truth, dependent on perception and determined by culture (for broad meaning) and personal consciousness (for specific meaning). erm, something like that...

in math i really didn't pay much attention... in comp sci i worked on my baseball stats program. aaargh. i think i might get a b in that class, just because i'm turning everything in late nowadays, so i get marked down for that. it's really fun, but it takes me two extra days to finish my programs... and spanish was rather boring. half the class was gone for deca, so we worked on ap exercises. blech. originally, during math, alex asked if i wanted to work with her, so i was really happy about that. but, when the teacher said we could work in groups, i was thinking of getting up and going over to alex, but melissa and ivey go join her instead. so, i was kind of sad about that. but, instead of working alone (*sob*) i worked with chaffin, so that was much better than i thought it would be.

and in eighth, i worked on my science problems, and at the beginning of ninth i went and talked to mr. fox about the lab. that took all of five minutes, so i headed over to the library and talked to srav and baylee and nick for the rest of the period. quite entertaining....

but, after school mum got me some food at sonic (mmm... chili cheese fries) and i watched tv, walked the dog, got the mail... then dad came home and we went out to dinner and shopping. fun. apparently, the cheesecake factory just opened at park meadows today, less than an hour after we got there. talk about luck! so, we went to e.b. (apparently, dark cloud 2 is coming out on the 19th, which made mum happy), cost plus, office max, soundtrack, expo, circuit city, and this one store i've forgotten the name of. lovely. and dad bought some speakers, and mom bought a stand to put them on (which dad thinks is butt-ugly). i got some perf notebooks since i am in desperate need of paper. and mum looked at copiers, and printers apparently, since our current one needs to be fed manually, else it tries to eat all the paper at once and gets jammed. lovely.

Sunday, February 09, 2003

what we have to remember uncle scott by:
  1. a subscription to nra magazine.
  2. a subscription to playboy magazine.
  3. a stuffed mountain lion.
  4. a penny and dime collection.
  5. a stamp collection.
  6. a 'best of the village people' cd.

Saturday, February 08, 2003

あ か さ た な は ま や ら わ
い き し ち に ひ み    り
う く す つ ぬ ふ む ゆ る        ん
え け せ て ね へ め    れ
お こ そ と の ほ も よ ろ を

Friday, February 07, 2003

current song: just like heaven - the cure

i love this song. actually, this whole album is pretty good. it should be; it's a best of. i'm actually kind of surprised that i know some songs on here. i just don't know all the names. ktcl plays (or has played) most of them. here, i'll list the songs. the ones i know are italicized:

track listing
1. boys don't cry
2. a forest
3. let's go to bed
4. the walk
5. the lovecats
6. inbetween days
7. close to me
8. why can't i be you?
9. just like heaven
10. lullaby
11. lovesong
12. never enough
13. high
14. friday i'm in love
15. mint car
16. wrong number
17. cut here
18. just say yes

so... almost every other song on the album. until you get to track 13. so, i know 7 songs and i only recognized the names of 3 of them. i am kind of disappointed, though, that fascination street and burn aren't on there. i used to have those mp3s on my old computer, and i really loved them. actually, i had a whole bunch of cool songs on my old computer and i was really sad when it died. alas.

Thursday, February 06, 2003

a thought:

when i was in parsons' mobile on wednesday, he was helping someone translate a sonnet. it was about this guy who was helplessly in love with a girl, and she had absolutely no interest in him whatsoever. he tells her that she's stepping all over him, and that he lets her because he loves her. he sees that because he loves her, she will never love him... and parsons and the guy who was getting help translating the sonnet were talking about it. and parsons said, "Well, no one really likes the people who are nuts about them. Don't you find it weird when someone idolizes you?" anyways, that just made me wince. i don't know whether or not i idolize the guy i like, but i do know i probably think about him way more than he realizes. so, if i let him know that, wouldn't that creep him out? but, is it really fair that he not know how i feel about him? i think that we could be considered friends. so, if he knew how i felt, would he reject my friendship as well? or, does he already know, and i'm the clueless one? gah.
gah, i think i'm depressed, or something. i'm just... bummed out. it's possible that this whole uncle scott thing is affecting me more than i thought.

dad says that after something like this happens, after it's all over people go through a period of depression. you're trying to adjust to life, to normality. but at the same time, you're trying to figure out what's changed, and how life will be different. like, after 9-11, a lot of people had trouble trying to figure out how their lives would change afterwards. maybe i'm just having extra trouble because i'm starting to think about growing up, moving on, achieving independence, that kind of stuff. normally that kind of thing doesn't concern me much. i've never been that excited about breaking away from my parents. but now i'm starting to think that i want to make my own mistakes, instead of just constantly depending on others. before this i've always been too scared of myself to accept the consequences of my actions...
current song: boys don't cry - the cure

i appear to have lost abbey road. i can't find it anywhere. not too much of a tragedy, though, since i burned the entire cd to my mom's computer.

i've decided to make a birthday calendar on my new cell phone, so now i can remember people's birthdays! yay! now if only i could remember what they were, so i could put them on my cell phone...
urk. maybe in the future i should try doing some of my math homework before the night before it's due.

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

current mp3: juunigatsu (december) - puffy amiyumi

well, today had its ups and downs but overall i would definitely call it good. i let nathan borrow imagine, and he started listening to it in class. heh. it's really cool to see someone grooving out to the beatles. i had some little russian leader nesting dolls and i asked katsnelson to identify them for me. i've forgotten what he said, though. oops. i showed, uh, lenin, mebbe? to baylee during science, and she goes, "eee! he's smoking!" very fun.

however, science, or rather, doing the science lab, was not very fun. sky dropped our lens, and the lightbulb wouldn't work, and no one really knew how to do the lab, and we couldn't find a table to do it on. and then i backed up into ali and chaffin's power source and knocked it over. aaargh. not so great.

history and tok were both kind of boring with interesting spots. in history we talked about the japanese-russian war... and some other stuff. in tok we went over packets... but we reviewed philosophies, and stuff, and i've decided that of all the philosophy choices, i agree the most with kant. but, i don't know, it still isn't an exact fit. and the whole truth issue was just weird.

math was just plain boring. but i talked to alex a little more than i've been doing lately. since ivey wasn't here today. this semester, alex has pretty much talked to ivey, and i occasionally make the effort to turn around and comment on something or other.

in comp sci, apparently i have a c since the teacher didn't record one thing she had graded, and i had forgotten to turn in another assignment. but i think that's fixed now.

spanish, we talked in english the whole period, and discussed our horrible stupid orals we'll be doing...

eighth period i headed over to parson's mobile. i've decided to do my timed essays on wednesdays during 8th, since i usually stay after anyways for japanese club, and ninth period is a more interesting time to hang out in the library. but, yeah, i didn't have to write anything this time. parsons just went over the essay we did on monday and friday. it was actually really fun. i mean, he liked my ideas, and i kind of enjoyed fixing my mistakes, and seeing how i could have made the paper better. in fact, how i will make the paper better. it's going to be my world lit paper. which is good, since i won't have to invent the whole thing from scratch. and i really like the topic i'm writing about.

ninth, baylee was at home fetching her mun stuff, apparently. but, basically, no one was in the library so i wandered around, read some dante's inferno, then sat down at nick's table. baylee came back so i walked down with her to zuk's room. it was quite interesting. so, i was entertained until japanese club. this meeting, we had a drawing lesson, so that was pretty fun.

so, then ryan dropped me off and i walked the dog, ate, etc. but, a cool thing, uncle scott's cds came to our house in a big box. we also got the stuffed puma... *shudder* ... but, he had a LOT of weird cds, and some decent ones too. oddly enough, he owned a mariah carey cd. what the heck? anyway, all i'm really interested in is train, the cure, and a beatles cd i don't have. it's a best of or something, not too exciting, but hey. beatles is good.

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

Tuesday, January 21, 2003
Community Mourns Laguna principal By Robert Digitale
Colleagues are mourning the apparent suicide of the principal of Laguna Continuation High School in Sebastopol. Administrators recall Scott Lane as a well-liked teacher and a principal who cared deeply for the 100-plus students at the Laguna campus, which sits next door to Analy High. Lane, 50, on Saturday afternoon was found dead at his Cotati home of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, police said. No suicide note was found. Special counselors will be available today for Laguna students and staff members. Others will be on hand at Analy, where Lane previously worked for nearly two decades as a teacher, student activities director and vice principal. "One of the things that most struck me about Scott was his involvement with kids who were having a tough time in school and his empathy for them," said David Wheeler, superintendent of the West Sonoma County High School District, which includes Laguna and Analy. Lane started as a teacher at Laguna in the late 1970s. He later became the first teacher of the rigorous advanced placement courses for U.S. history and government at Analy, said Analy Principal Martin Webb. Lane had been the principal of Laguna for three years. He worked hard for the students there, Webb said. "He really did everything he could to help them succeed," he said. Lane had been an usher in Webb's wedding. Webb last talked to his longtime friend on Thursday. Lane had sounded upbeat and indicated he would see Webb Tuesday when classes resumed at both schools. Webb predicted the news of Lane's death would be "rough on the kids," as well as the teachers at Laguna. "They're a very close-knit organization so this is really going to hit them very hard," Webb said.
i'm trying a slightly different layout. the old one had been bugging me, i don't know why. hopefully this will be better.
current mp3: simple and clean - utada hikaru

"platonic" is wrong. i've decided that. platonic means ideal, perfect. and yet a platonic relationship does not involve sex. how the hell is that ideal? i'm pretty sure that most of the population would agree that saying a relationship is "platonic" is a little ironic.

i've decided i disagree with plato. so, as far as i understand it, this is what plato believes:
There is a perfect, abstract form of everything present in the "real" world. Human beings evolve to see that perfect form. This is reality. The ultimate evolution of humans will enable them to perceive the same thing. Reality is an abstraction. Thus, there is one, supreme, real definition of justice, beauty, etcetera; there is one true, perfect form for a stapler, shirt, etcetera.
now, the problem i see with this is, it denies a concrete reality, yet it simplifies abstractions into concreteness. it states that there is only ONE perfect form of anything. and, that the reason things are not perceived as this in our "real" world, is because of our perceptions and the differences we create in our minds. so, does this mean that every table is truly the same, and it is only our perceptions that differ? so, why do we all see approximately the same thing. one table has four legs, another has three. any person could tell you which was which. so does this mean that there are separate perfect forms for three- and four-legged tables? are all tables the same color, size, shape? i don't buy it.

anyways, this is what i've decided i believe: there is an exact, independent reality. when humans perceive it, we interpret it differently, but as well as our senses can allow. since we are all the same species, so have the same sensory organs, and we have grown up in the same culture, we see approximately the same things. a poverty-stricken chinese kid would probably see a different thing than we would when he looked at a bowl of rice, or a woman, or a mountain. so, there is an independent, single reality. each person might interpret it differently. this reality is the absolute truth, and anything that exists within it, unaltered by our perspective, is the absolute truth. but, there is another truth that changes for each person, based on their experiences, ideas, perspective. this truth is not absolute, since there can only be one absolute truth. but it is still truth, and it is a truth that exists within the person. so, there are an infinite number of definitions of abstract concepts, that all exist for each person. so, two kinds of truth, a single absolute truth independent of our perspective, and a general truth that is individual to each person.

eh, that's enough of my yammering. tok is going to mess with my head, i can tell. it's already gotten me thinking philosophically. no! stop before it's too late! if i start using my brain regularly it'll get used to thinking, and then where will i be?

Monday, February 03, 2003

apparently, katsnelson does not have a license either. this makes me happy. i keep feeling like the only people who can't drive are younger than me... srav got her license today (she turned 16 yesterday), anna, presumably, got hers friday (although i don't really know), joel got his a few months ago. natasha, i think, got hers in december. i don't think alex has hers, eric doesn't have his, katsnelson doesn't have his, nikki doesn't have hers. but the list of people who don't have their license keeps shrinking. soon i will be all alone!!!
aaargh. i turned in the stupid history project, even though it was kind of crappy. you couldn't really read the letters so i included the pre-copied letters. blech, oh well. ginsberg's like, "you're so nervous, you're already explaining it to me and i haven't even started looking at it yet." i'm thinking, duh, because if i don't explain it you'll get confused and mark off points. eh, who cares.

i'm kinda liking this no lunch thing. tok was kind of fun today, only chaffin got mad at me because apparently i have a kantian philosophy... but anyways, getting the option to just wander off after seventh is quite entertaining. no more school after 1:24! woo hoo!

ninth period was rather fascinating today. i read the dave chronicles! fun. but, right after seventh i talked to nikki and gave her some more love hina books to read. i'm gonna have to buy me some love hina anime dvds. nikki already has the second dvd, i'm like, you've only read one of the graphic novels!

henry weinhard's is the best rootbeer. period.

it's really great to have mom back. i think that's part of the reason i've been in a little better mood today. but really, things are just going well in general. let's see...

* the stupid history project is finally finished! yes!
* the house is cleaner than it's been in months.
* new cell phone! eeee!
* we stocked up on candy while mom was gone, and now we get to eat it all!
* life insurance money...
* mom!
* i have friends!!! eeee!
* in two and a half months, i'm getting a new computer... drool

well, that's about it. but that's a pretty impressive list if i do say so myself...

muahaha! *cackles evilly*
ugh. well, off to bed.

Sunday, February 02, 2003

aaaargh! stupid history project!

Saturday, February 01, 2003

ok, the last name for my french person shall be: moineau. i need to remember that... it means sparrow. i think it's kind of cool.
eeee! i got a new cell phone!

how very odd. since we have more money, i guess we're just going out and buying stuff. we looked at big screen tvs. dad has decided that he doesn't want one, though, since mum doesn't want to get rid of our current one. but, after the tv place, we went to best buy, and we bought five cell phones. one for me, mom, dad, and grandma and grandpa. and we can call each other on our cell phones for free, and there's unlimited night and weekend minutes. but, my cell phone (well, all our cell phones since we all got the same kind) is cool! it flips up, and it has web browsing, and it's in color! sweet! so, as soon as we activate it, i'm going to download a picture i uploaded to the web, and have damon albarn as my screen saver. mwahaha! and, i'm going to get some midi files and use them as ring tones! of course, i haven't even looked at what you can just download from the sites that sprint provides... and you can get games, too! ooo, it's so cool.

bad part: i didn't get much homework done since i was out buying cell phones and all. so tomorrow is going to be a big pain in the butt. oh, yeah, i'm really looking forward to doing my history project tomorrow...
current song: makin' a living / hot wheels (the chase) / the theme (unique mix) / gimme some love - chemical brothers

mom's back! yay!

yesterday i worked my butt off cleaning the house, and now it looks pretty nice. something of a miracle, since usually the house (especially my rooms) is a complete disaster. we have so much junk...

hmph. well, apparently uncle scott had an interesting collection of music. including chemical brothers. i guess this cd's entitled brother's gonna work it out. how fascinating. apparently he listened to djs, and stuff. odd. i don't usually listen to this kind of music, since i don't tend to buy these kind of cds, and neither does my dad. i buy the beatles, and blur, and belle and sebastian, and the odd cd in another language. dad buys the kind of stuff they play on ktcl. so i don't get much of an opportunity to listen to... techno. eh, it's kind of interesting. the first cd i ever owned (that wasn't disney) was fatboy slim. anyways...

scott also had some other interesting stuff. he collected stamps and money. he owned a racehorse (which we are going to sell!), a stuffed cougar (which mum is going to keep), a plot of land somewhere in california, three dogs (which are all sold, i think)...