Tuesday, October 07, 2003

say yes

I kind of take back what I said yesterday. Not to say it doesn't bug me, and not to say that it's ok, but I can't expect people to be perfect. It isn't fair to expect someone to not talk about these things every once in a while. If I expect so much of people, I'll just end up disappointed in mankind. And I'll end up hating myself, too.

Sometimes I think that I can't hurt him, or that he hurts me more than I hurt him. That's stupid. I really don't think he means to hurt me, and I know that I don't mean to hurt him, but that doesn't mean that I can't or that I don't. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I haven't hurt him. And if I asked him about it, he might not tell me if he had been hurt. But he doesn't seem happy. So, new strategy, then. No avoidance. It seems better when I'm happy, so that's what I'll try. I'll be cheerful. It's better for me, too.

There was no art club today. This makes me sad. Although I did get to see Sarah yesterday for knowledge bowl... If anyone came because of my pestering, I'm thankful. It's nice to have people I know there. Course, in history, everyone assumes that the people who came who weren't from my class will return. Sara commented on how "into it" Chris was. I should ask him, next time I see him... I'm not as sure that they'll all come back. Heh.

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