Thursday, October 21, 2004

o glorious day

Ah, man. Good day.

Woke up early, browsed the forum (I can see why this stuff is so addicting), had a nice leisurely shower, woke up my oversleeping roomie, surfed the net some more. Just before noon I headed to calc.

Afterwards I had a brief conversation with Spencer and Daniel then ate lunch (it's been so long since I sat down for lunch!) and headed off to Japanese.

I forgot my homework. Ah well.

Afterwards, walked with Chris, then ran up to my room, then ran off to comp sci.

I left in the middle, for twas time for the calc exam.

And I must say... It was a blast. I actually had fun doing a calculus test. Ah, the joys of partial integrals and McLaurin polynomials and double integrals over simple regions (think triangles... haha).

If I didn't do well on that exam there's something seriously wrong with the world in general.

And after that I searched for wireless networks outside (there's a nice one near the music building) and talked to Daniel and Chris online. And then I studied Japanese with Chris (haha... I never get anything done when I'm around my friends. It took about 5 hours to do two assignments). His apartment is pretty nifty. There were plenty of videogames, anime titles, and fake swords (haha! LARP!) to keep me entertained whenever I wasn't working on homework. Heh heh.

Hmmm... methinks I should update my profiles post on my lj account.

And now Pirates of the Caribbean is on. Maybe I should be a pirate for Halloween. Or not.

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