current mp3: clint eastwood - gorillaz
woot. oh, wow. that's weird. i don't really get it either. it's just i keep hearing people say that word. what the heck does it mean anyways???
i got hanukah presents. yay. so, my dad says i can spend up to $50 on eight hanukkah presents. we went to the mall at golden on sunday. i found this really pretty picture there. it's of pagodas, and mountains, and a little lake with a boat in it... yeah. but see, it's made out of.... i don't know, abalone or something, so it's kind of 3-d. which is really really cool. yeah. but it cost 35 bucks. but, hey, it's pretty.
yeah. but thanksgiving weekend was lovely and splenderous. but, i don't remember playing ac at all. what the heck? i did, however, play kingdom hearts. i'm almost to the end. farther than i've ever been to the end of the game than in any other video game. here's a neat lil factoid: i've never finished a computer game. i play them a long time and get close to the end, but i never finish them.
yeah. and mum baked two cheesecakes. the highlight of the weekend.