hmmm. i had a couple dreams last night. it's been a while since i've been able to remember them.
let's see... the first one i can't remember barely anything of. but here's a first: i dreamed about damon albarn. heh. i was sitting at some table, with damon, and some other guy across the table, and maybe someone else in between me and damon. i think someone had just asked me what groups i liked, or something, and i said blur. damon asked, "oh, what kind of music do they play?" he wasn't listening, obviously. so the guy across the table started guessing a whole bunch of genres, and after a bunch of weird ones, including salsa, i finally said "britpop" really loudly. damon turns and looks at me. i say, yeah, blur is britpop. he asks, "blur?" and smiles strangely. i'm blushing. even though i don't know how i can tell, because i can't see myself.
the second was rather strange. i had a car! very strange, seeing as how i can't drive... it was all hippy-ish looking. purple and pink swirls. and it looked kind of like a van. really weird. and i saw a few people i know in the dream: my crush, of course, cagri, ms. little (oh, excuse me, mrs. baker), and... uh... some other people. i can't remember very well. maybe baylee. i think a whole bunch of people went on some field trip or something??? and... yeah. but i remember computers, and surfing on the net, and telling cagri about belle and sebastian. and having no pants. i was putting them on when i talked to ms. little. and her cohorts. don't know who they were. probly dream people. might have only been one or two cohorts. they were her students, i assume. and i remember looking for my crush, and not being able to find him. and wanting to talk to him. but i never did. partially because i couldn't find him, partially because i was too scared. kind of like real life. i don't really feel like i have a good opportunity. and even if i do, i'm too shy. ick. it stinks.
oh, well.