Monday, November 04, 2002

i can't concentrate. i was feeling ok, and then it suddenly felt like there was this big black hole inside me, gnawing at my stomach. it was very upsetting. oh, well. i should have more homework done by now. it's so hard though. maybe i should take a ritalin. huh. i don't even know if they work, really. maybe it's just a placebo effect. maybe i'm depressed, and don't have ADD. maybe it doesn't matter. i'll have to claw my way through somehow. it probably doesn't help that i like sad music. i don't ever really listen to really happy music. not anymore. and i'm sick of all the happy songs anyway.


i suppose i'll just admit defeat and take a ritalin. stupid ritalin. oh, well. if nothing else, it'll keep me awake.

the emptiness in my stomach is almost gone. but i don't know. is it stress? is it an ulcer? is it air? should i burp?

ah, well. life is full of mysteries.